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Here, at, we only feature the most exceptional wooden ship models. Many of which take hundreds of man hours to build, and extensive historical research to reach final completion. Our model ships are built according to scale through original plans, drawings and pictures using the elaborate and painstaking plank on frame construction method, just as the original ships were built. Please visit our Ship Modeling Tour to view out master craftsmen building our model ships.

1. To construct our wooden ship models entirely by hand, skilled artisans must build a sturdy, properly aligned frame for the model boat hull.

2. Narrow planks of treated wood are then attached one by one to the hull of the ships frame.

3. When the plank on frame hull is complete, small sections of wood are then attached to the outside of the hull, completing the finished look of the model boat hull.

4. Below is an example of a finished plank on frame hull on one of our Cruise Ship Models.

5. Finished model boat hulls in various woods and finishes.

5. Example of a hull finished in copper, as in one of our USS Consitution models.

Please feel free to contact Model USA War Ships with any questions or concerns you may have.
Suggestions as to how we may better serve your needs are always welcome.

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