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The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/all/20060522100910/http://www.whatbooks.com/store/book/0870703439.html
Ok, sorry to say but once you have this big bad boy what more do you need really? The section at the back about the development of Lee's printing over the years is especially interesting for photographers who are about to make a book. It's yellow which goes well with most coffee tables...Frankly they could have trimmed 20 percent of the photos but in this day and age more is more so what the heck...Totally worth it.
Framing the world through the viewfinder
Lee Friedlander is one of the most important photographers within the history of the medium. His uncanny sense of irony merges with a refreshing use of formal design, producing provocative visual metaphors. His use of frames within frames comments on the nature of photography itself. It is hard to look at the american landscape the same after viewing his work, and that is a good thing! If you can afford another Friedlander book besides this one, i highly recommend "Like a One-Eyed Cat"!
THE book to own of Friedlander's work
An excellent overview of Lee Friedlander's pioneering career. If you are only peripherally interested in Friedlander and his photography, this is the book to buy. If you are a longtime admirer of his work, this will be the book you will return to again and again.
In addition to a generous display of photographs, the introductory essay (although a bit dense at times) gives insight into Friedlander's motivations and achievements.
Friedlander seems to be a controversial subject on photography forums across the Net. It's interesting to read the opinions of other photographers on these internet forums who think his work is sloppy, unsophisticated, amateurish, etc. Once confronted with this enlightening overview of Friedlander's work, it becomes obvious that what is truly sloppy, unsophisticated and amateurish is the perspective of those espousing these opinions. What evolves is the fact that Friedlander is a treasure.
Can't find the book you're looking for? Then try Google.