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Crappie Fishing


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Increase your crappie fishing success

Crappie Fishing

The wide popularity of crappie fishing is testament to both the excitement these fish produce with their fight, and the excellent flavor of their meat.  Catching this panfish can be done using a variety of live bait and artificial lures.  Many crappie fishing anglers swear by live bait, some by lures, depending on their location, the time of year, and personal experiences.

Some crappie fishing tips

A good first step in crappie fishing is to understand what the fish prefer to eat in their natural habitats.  In this case, they like crustaceans, minnows, and shad, supplemented by aquatic insects.  So using these prey animals as live bait is always a good idea.  If you prefer lures, get models that mimic those species.

There are many crappie fishing techniques.  Some tried and true live bait methods include trolling live minnows or shad at varying depths.  Favored approaches with artificial lures include:  slow retrieving small crankbaits or flies, and using a jerky retrieval with small spinnerbaits or jigs.

Keep in mind that your best chance of success with crappie fishing is to remember that they are fish that like to travel in schools.  It’s common, using both live bait and lures, to catch many in a short span of time.  Use a fish finder to increase your chances of hitting a school.

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