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Florida east coast fishing Mosquito Lagoon fishing guides fishing Indian River Lagoon fishing guide Saltwater Fly fishing guides

Mosquito Lagoon fishing redfish guide charters fishing Indian River Lagoon Redfish fishing Florida Flats fishing Charters and Mosquito Lagoon Fly fishing on Florida's east coast. Indian River Lagoon, Banana River and Mosquito Lagoon Flats fishing for Redfish, Spotted Sea Trout, Tarpon and Snook, near Disney and east of Orlando from Titusville to Cocoa Beach Fl.

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Scomberomorous maculatus

Description: color of black green, shading to silver on sides, golden yellow irregular spots above and below lateral line; front of dorsal fin black; lateral line curves gently to base of tail.

Similar fish: cero, S. regalis; king mackerel, S. cavalla.

Where found: INSHORE, NEAR SHORE, and OFFSHORE, especially over deep grass beds and reefs; absent from north Florida waters in winter.

Size: average catch less than 2 pounds (20 inches).

Remarks: schooling fish that migrates northward in spring, returning to southerly waters when water temperatures drop below about 70 degree F; spawns OFFSHORE , spring through summer; feeds on small fish and squid.

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