The Difference in Lake Trout
Lake trout are a type of fish that are completely different then any other fish. Those that like to go lake trout fishing , know that they are difficult to catch. Unless you know just how to do so, well, your chances are small of actually getting one. Lake trout are the ones everyone wants though as their size can be enormous! Lake trout fishing is a great type of fishing, but you will need the knowledge of these fish before you begin to fish them.
There are many unique qualities to lake trout. One of the most important is their size. The record weight for lake trout is over 102 pounds! Imagine bringing that in! The average weight depends on what the fish eats. Those lake trout that can benefit from being in a lake with ciscoes, smelt or sculpins will grow to large sizes. These lake trout are called Siscowets or fat trout. Those that don't have this variety of small fish to eat, will eat plankton, insects, and crustaceans. Obviously, this fish is not going to weigh nearly as much.
Another unique characteristic of the lake trout is where they live. Like other trout, they enjoy well oxygenated, cold, and clear water. But to find the quality of this type of water that they need, the lake trout like to live deep. Different times of the year will bring them to different levels in the water. During the cold, winter months, you can find lake trout in 20 feet or less of water. But, in the summer months, they like to be in 50-100 feet deep water. In fact, the Siscowets go much farther down to 500 feet! It is because of this depth that lake trout enjoy that keep lake trout fishing a difficult type.
While lake trout are found in much of western and northern United States and Canada, because they live so far down that you will need to do some bottom fishing using rigs to bring that fish up. And, the battle will be a long, hard fought one at that! Do enjoy your lake trout fishing .
Fishing Resources
Long Lost Fly Fishing Secrets Discover original tips and techniques from early fly fishing masters and classics. The Fly Fishing Guidebook A Complete Step-By-Step Training Kit Filled With The Latest And Proven Fly Fishing Techniques! My Ice Fishing Secrets AFFILIATES MAKE 40% selling this great ICE FISHING BOOK! Earn 40% people download it and pay. Largemouth Bass Extreme Without the Extreme Guide In Your Fishing Arsenal, You Might As Well Stay At Home. Trout Fishing Secrets Trout Fishing Secrets Revealed - How to Catch A Trout Everytime: When Spinner Fishing Your Favorite Stream Or River! The Ultimate Fishing Trip Guidebook! How To Plan, Organize and Catch More Fish On Your Next Fishing Trip!
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Carl Johnson hasn’t been fishing long, but he’s catching on quick. “The biggest fish I ever caught was a catfish when I was little,” said Johnson, a student at Geyer Middle School. “It pulled me in.”
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The Licking County Aging Program will sponsor a fishing excursion and a golf fundraiser for older adults. The annual senior fishing derby is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 7 at T. J. Evans Pond in north Newark.
It was nothing more than a casual comment from one retiree to another, but to B.A.S.S. founder Ray Scott, it made a lot of sense. "I ran into Jack Nicklaus and we were talking about fishing," Scott said from his back porch overlooking his 55-acre lake in rural Pintlala, south of Montgomery.
CLEVELAND - The holiday weekend marks the traditional start of the Lake Erie fishing season, and wildlife experts say the fishing is safe despite recent scares involving a virus affecting sheepshead and a die-off of perch.
BREST, May 28, 2006 (AFP) - French authorities have located the wreck of a fishing boat that went down Friday off the Brittany coast, costing the life of Edouard Michelin, the 43-year-old head of the Michelin tyre giant.
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