The Wayback Machine -

Call us: 253.520.1284
LinkHelpers Smart Relevant Link Exchange

Relevant Linking
Made Easy

Webmasters helping webmasters deliver targeted traffic
Trust is Earned

We know this. We strive to earn it one tranaction at a time.
Integrity Comes First

Our membership is our wealth. Protection of that wealth is our prime directive.

We Hate Spammers

Why is there so much spam? Because despite the pain it causes us, some people buy into it. Even a 1 percent return is so profitable that it is worth it to spammers. If there were no payoff, there would be no incentive. We have been at this since the World Wide Web's early beginings. When you could still buy an Internet Yellow page book. Things were different then. Our attitude has not changed. Or only contacts with you will be for link trades. Nothing more.

We Won't Leak Email Addresses

To prevent our site from being harvested by spammers, we will not display your email address ever. No payoff no incentive. They can spider our site all they want. Our use of bot-traps and bot-filters help us keep those nasties away.