Join Travis Richardson and his hosts for the 7th Annual Fishing Education Programs. Learn effective presentation, seasonal fish locations, boat control, advanced live bait technique, proper tackle selection and much more. Program includes video presentations, course outlines, Q & A, door prizes and more.
Walleye & Smallmouth
March 11th, 2006 9AM-4PM
Country Inn & Suites, 400 River Place - Madison, WI
Musky & Pike
April 1, 2006 9AM-4PM
Country Inn & Suites, 400 River Place - Madison, WI
Price $85.00 or $150.00 for both sessions
Call (608) 838-9877 or email for information.
"The Fishing Guide" with Travis Richardson brings local and regional fishing and outdoor adventures into the living rooms of southern Wisconsin and the greater Chicago-land area.
Our goal here at "The Fishing Guide" is to of course entertain our viewers, but more importantly to educate our viewers to the latest technologies, products and methods that will hep you catch more and bigger fish closer to home.
Travis Richardson is the owner/operator of Double Treble Outfitters & Guide Service. His guide service offers professionally guided fishing trips on the Madison Chain, Fox River, Lake Wisconsin, the Yahara Chain of Lakes, and other southern Wisconsin waters.
Travis has been a professional guide for 15 years. He spends an average of 250 days a year on the water fishing for musky, walleye, bass, northern pike and panfish.

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Peak fishing times for June 13, 2006
1:11 AM - 3:11 AM 1:41 PM - 3:41 PM

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