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Diamond purchase is a very
confusing process if not properly equipped with all the knowledg e. Everyone has
heard of the four Cs (Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat Weight) but not everyone
understands how each one affects the diamond or the price. Besides the four Cs
there is one more C that affects your diamond purchase, Certification.
Most people
confuse cut with the shape of the diamond. Cut refers to the dimensions of
the diamond (the depth, width, table, girdle, etc., ). Diamonds can be cut
to maintain weight (usually fair to poor cutting) or to maintain brilliance
and light. Diamonds cut to near perfect proportions get the maximum
brilliance, fire, light and sparkle.
Color of a
diamond refers to the saturation of color in the diamond. More color present
in the diamond means that some of the colors will be filtered out when the
light is reflected back thus lessening the fire in the diamond. Colorless
diamonds are rarer to find and more appealing to the eye and as such more
Clarity refers to the presence or absence of internal and external flaws and blemishes. Diamonds
without any flaws and blemishes are rarer to find and more expensive. Most
diamonds have some inclusions or blemishes. These are either natural (trace
of other minerals) or occur while mining and cutting. |
Carat weight
for most people is the last deciding factor in buying the diamond. Once you
know what cut, color, clarity you want the only thing to decide is your
budget and find a size that falls in your range. Like all other Cs the
larger sizes are rarer and thus the prices are higher for these stones.
Carat Weight
1 Carat = 1/5 gram
1 Carat = 0.007 oz
Certification is not to be
confused with appraisals. Any jeweler can appraise the diamond using the
metrics set forth for the 4Cs and his/her own experience. Certification is a
report issued by an accredited independent gemological laboratory after the
diamond has been put through extensive scrutiny. Certified Gemologists analyze
every aspect (color, clarity, cut, carat weight, dimensions, fluorescence, and
all other characteristics) of the diamond under a microscope.
The care of the diamond is often forgotten but this is just
as important as the purchasing decision. Initially you need to invest in a
setting that provides ample protection to the diamond. Even though diamond is
the hardest substance on earth it can be dislodged from its setting if it
receives a forceful blow. It can even be nicked or chipped if it falls or hits
a hard surface with force.