we have had to remove our upload page. It was a very
convenient feature but, as is the norm on the internet, there
were some who thought it would be fun to abuse the system.
While the occasional X-rated picture was to be expected, we
had someone who decided they had to send dozens of pictures
every day of their wife? girlfriend? After looking
at the pictures, I do feel sorry for him.....whew! The
pictures were not easy to look at, but his efforts and that of
a few others has made it necessary to remove this feature.
Note to our
mystery poster: There is help for you and your
significant other. Miracles of modern science have
really taken some great leaps in the way of cosmetic surgery.
Plus there is the show "Extreme Makeover" - you should forward
the pictures of your significant other to them. I can't
imagine them not deciding that you are in dire need.
