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Velaro enterprise customers enjoy the most custom branding options on the market today.  With Velaro’s full corporate branding option, you can control the entire visitor experience during a chat.  

Summary of features:

bullet_dark.gif Visitor chat window bullet_dark.gif Multi-language support
bullet_dark.gif Window sizes bullet_dark.gif Auto-initiated chats
bullet_dark.gif Window title bullet_dark.gif E-mailing transcripts
bullet_dark.gif Head shots bullet_dark.gif Visitor notification sounds 
bullet_dark.gif Full text customization    



Visitor chat window –
Completely configure all the colors, images, and button text displayed in the visitor’s chat window.

Window sizes –
Control the individual size of each window displayed to your visitors.  Display more information in your pre-chat window, for example, or use larger graphics for your logos.

Window title –
Set the title displayed in the visitor’s web browser during the chat.

Head shots –
Add personality to your agent’s chat window.  Custom headshots allow each agent to display their image to the visitors with whom they are chatting.

Full text customization – 
Manage all the different messages that are displayed to your visitors for all eleven different windows that a visitor may encounter during the chat process.

Multi-language support -
Customize all default text and links displayed in the  chat window to your visitor’s native language.

Custom auto-initiated chats –
Customize the default text that is displayed when a visitor receives an auto-initiated chat.

E-mailing transcripts –
Dynamically turn on or off your visitor’s ability to e-mail the chat transcript to themselves or others. 

Visitor notification sounds –
Customize or turn off the sound that is delivered to your visitor whenever they receive new text from your agent during the chat .



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