Experience NZ Travel Ltd
Level 8, AMP Chambers
187 Featherston St
Wellington 6001
New Zealand
PO Box 23049
Cable Car Lane
Tel. +64 (4) 473 4470*
Fax. +64 (4) 473 4471
*Office hours are 9:00a.m. to 5:30p.m. NZ time is currently: 7:37AM (Friday)
Marlborough Activities
Other useful Marlborough information
» Marlborough Accommodation
» Marlborough Restaurants
Sightseeing |
Maori Tours Kaikoura
Telephone: +64 3 319 5567
Web site: www.maoritours.co.nz
Experience authentic Maori hospitality |
Marlborough Travel
Telephone: +64 3 577 9997
Web site: www.marlboroughtravel.co.nz
Marlborough Travel operates a well-established land and water based activity business offering a large range of daily tours of the Marlborough region |
The Cougar Line
Address: The Waterfront, Picton
Telephone: +64 3 573 7925
Web site: www.cougarlinecruises.co.nz
Specialists in combining water transportation and
luxury cruising in Marlborough's spectacular Queen Charlotte Sound. |
Whale Watch Kaikoura
Telephone: +64 3 319 6767
Web site: www.whalewatch.co.nz
takes you into the world of the magnificent Sperm Whale, as well as to migratory Humpback Whales (June & July), Orca (summer months), New Zealand's own tiny Hectors dolphin, the high spirited displays of the Dusky dolphins, New Zealand Fur seals and the Royal Albatross. |
Sports + Adventure |
Adventure Guides & Southern Wilderness NZ
Address: Picton Railway Station
Telephone: +64 3 578 4531
Web site: www.adventureguidesnz.com
Based in Marlborough, Southern Wilderness NZ is a guided walk operator while Adventure Guides offer hiking, biking and sea kayaking in the Marlborough Sounds. |
Dive Kaikoura
Address: 94 Westend
Telephone: +64 3 319 6622
Web site: www.scubadive.co.nz
Dolphin Encounters
Address: 58 West End, Kaikoura
Telephone: +64 3 319 6777
Web site: www.dolphin.co.nz
Swim with the Dolphins or just watch them. |
Marlborough Sounds Adventure Company
Address: The Waterfront, London Quay
Telephone: +64 3 573 6078
Web site: www.marlboroughsounds.co.nz
Sea Kayaking, Walking, Mountain Biking |
Skydive the Sounds
Address: Picton Adventure Airport, State Highway 1, Korimako
Telephone: 03 573 9101
Web site: http://www.skydivethesounds.com
The most extreme way to cross the Cook Strait. Skydive 12,000ft freefall with amazing views of the Marlborough Sounds |
Vineyards |
Allan Scott Wines & Estate
Vineyard features: restaurant, tastings
Open: 9:00am till 4:30pm
Address: Jacksons Road, Blenheim
Telephone: +64 3 572 9054
Cloudy Bay
Vineyard features: tastings
Open: 10:00am till 4:30pm
Closed: Sundays
Address: Jacksons Road, Blenheim
Telephone: +64 3 572 8914
Web site: www.cloudybay.co.nz
Grove Mill
Vineyard features: tastings
Open: 11:00am till 5:00pm
Address: Cnr of Waihopai Valley Road and State Highway 63
Telephone: +64 3 572 8200
Web site: www.grovemill.co.nz
Hunters Wines
Vineyard features:
Address: Rapaura Rd, Blenheim
Telephone: +64 3 572 8489
Web site: www.hunters.co.nz
Lawson's Dry Hills
Vineyard features: restaurant, tours, tastings
Open: 10:00am till 5:00pm
Address: Alabama Road, Blenheim
Telephone: +64 3 578 7674
Web site: www.lawsonsdryhills.co.nz/
A boutique winery offering evening dining in the summer months. |
Nautilus Estate Wines
Vineyard features: tastings
Open: 10:00am till 5:00pm
Address: Blicks Road, Renwick
Telephone: +64 3 572 9529
Saint Clair Estate Wines
Vineyard features:
Address: 75 Aberharts Road, Grovetown, Marlborough
Telephone: +64 3 578 8695
Web site: www.saintclair.co.nz
Vineyard features: tastings
Open: 10:00am till 5:00pm
Address: Redwood Pass Road, Awatere Valley, Marlborough
Telephone: +64 3 575 7481
Web site: www.vavasour.com