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Lake-Link is proud to present to you Outdoors Radio with Dan Small and Judy Nugent. Dan and Judy bring you timely and informative hunting, fishing and conservation topics covering Wisconsin and the upper Midwest. You can listen to all their shows online exclusively on Lake-Link. Click here for more.
Keep Quiet in the Shallows by Bob Jensen
Early in the open water fishing season, many of our favorite fish that live in Midwest lakes are active in the shallow water, and when they're shallow, they are often willing to bite.
However, shallow water fish are ... [ read more ]
 Want the best lake topographic map available? Here it is. These 3-D contour maps give you real graphical representation of the lake; no more just reading depth lines and trying to visualize the bottom contours. Over 50 Wisconsin lakes available.
Click here for more info.

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A completely furnished home, charmingly decorated in a nautical style. The large, shady lawn extends to the waters edge, where there is a large sandy beach area, fire pit, and pier, with sand bottom f... learn more
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