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Employocity ( is Texas' leading network of local job boards, with more than 50,000 unique visitors each month. The Employocity network serves Texas' largest job seeker markets, including Austin, Dallas/Ft. Worth and San Antonio, as well as Birmingham, AL.

As the exclusive national job board partner of Employocity, Yahoo! HotJobs provides continuously updated jobs in summary format to each of Employocity's six local job boards. Job seekers may view full job descriptions and apply at
Industry Partners
OSTG (Open Source Technology Group), formerly Open Source Development Network (OSDN), is the most dynamic community-driven technology media network on the Web. OSTG technical sites attract nearly three million unique users each month, including all levels of I.T. professionals and decision makers, from C-level professionals to project managers to engineers.

As the exclusive careers partner of OSTG, Yahoo! HotJobs powers the job boards of,, IT Manager's Journal, NewsForge,, Freshmeat and DevChannel. Together with Yahoo! HotJobs, the OSTG Technology Network sites reach nearly 60 percent of all computer professionals who have searched online for a job in the last 30 days (Nielsen @Plan, winter 2004).
Healthleaders HealthLeaders
HealthLeaders Inc. ( publishes HealthLeaders Magazine and California HealthFax in addition to their health care news and information Web site, Yahoo! HotJobs powers the career channel of with a cobranded Web site tailored for HealthLeaders' audience of health care professionals.
HotJobs is the principal sponsor of the Society for Human Resource Management's 2003 Webcast program, providing insightful, expert information to the organization's members each month. In addition, HotJobs provides the technology used to deliver the Webcasts by leveraging Yahoo!'s state-of-the-art Streaming Center.

The Society for Human Resource Management ( is the world's largest association devoted to human resource management. Representing more than 170,000 individual members, the Society's mission is to serve HR professionals and to advance the profession. Founded in 1948, SHRM currently has more than 500 affiliated chapters within the U.S. and members in more than 120 countries.
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