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Practiced for thousands of years, Aromatherapy recognizies the importance of mind, body and spirit as one.

A Natural Perspective Essential Oils are highly concentrated plant extracts obtained through steam distillation of flowers, seeds, berries, roots and barks or citrus rind expression. You receive the finest, therapeutic and pure essential oils.
Bergamot Essential Oil(Ivory Coast)   (10ml / 0.35fl.oz)
Bergamot is remarkably skin-friendly. It softens the skin, smoothes and evens out skin tone, and stimulates the release of melanin in the skin cells. Melanin is a brown pigment that the skin produces as a result of exposure to the sun. Thus, melanin-and bergamot without the alcohol is actually a protective agent.

Clary Sage (Russia)   (10ml / 0.35fl.oz)
Clary Sage balances hormones and emotions splendidly. Sage has long been used for mental clarity and hair growth. Sage oil is especially good for muscle tone and strength, against cellulite, and to improve circulation problems. Sage is an excellent bruise and wound healer.

Geranium Essential Oil (Egypt)   (10ml / 0.35fl.oz)
Geranium is an extremely effective circulation booster or rubefacient(skin reddener) that brings warmth to the peripheral areas. Geranium is a wonderful oil to use during cold weather, especially on the feet and hands.

Grapefruit Essential Oil (USA)   (10ml / 0.35fl.oz)
Grapefruit is great for a full range of skin types. It works wonders against cellulite and fluid retention. Grapefruit is a tremendous circulation booster. As well, it is a warming oil that immediately reddens the skin and makes skin supple. Grapefruit is lovely in men’s facial blends, for combination skins, and to counteract extremely dry skin.

Lemon Essential Oil (Italy)   (10ml / 0.35fl.oz)
Lemon is a well-known and popular remedy for colds, bronchitis, and laryngitis. It contains vitamin C. Lemon is very useful for all vein problems, varicose or broken capillaries. It also help the symptoms of premenstrual tension and insomnia.

Peppermint (USA)   (10ml / 0.35fl.oz)
Peppermint promotes overall physical and emotional wellbeing, although its healing properties are primarily associated with the digestive system. It is a good insect repellant. Cooling and cleansing; soothes itchy skin, relieves inflammation and congestion.

Rosewood (Brazil)   (10ml / 0.35fl.oz)
Rosewood creates a feeling of peace and gentleness, and increases skin elasticity and also has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, and anti-parasitic properties. Rosewood has the following therapeutic properties: anti-depressant, mildly analgesic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, bacteriacide, deodorant, insecticide, stimulant and tonic. As an aphrodisiac it may have an effect on sexual problems such as impotence and frigidity.

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