On Page Optimization / On Page SEO
There are two important factors in any Search Engine Optimization
1. Serve the Site Visitors what they want
2. Serve the Search Engines what they want
What is Natural Search Engine Optimization?
The web sites that rank high in the major search engines (like Google, Yahoo!, MSN,
etc) are the ones getting traffic, and often sales. Many of those sites have
been "Optimized" by companies like We
Build Pages.
They companies didn't pay to get there! They weren't chosen
to be there by any human. Those results are there simply by a combination of
several mathematical formulas including On Page Optimization. Below, we show
the "Natural" results, (as opposed to Paid

Those Formulas for Natural listing results can be broken down into
2 types of factors.
1. On Page Optimization Factors
2. Off Page Factors (For Off-Page Factors see our Internet
Advertising page.)
On-Page Search Engine Optimization Factors
Search Engines have computers and programs called "Spiders" that
collect information about your web pages in an attempt to "figure out" what
your pages are about. These spiders gather information from your pages and
use these in factoring which sites get ranked higher than others. Search Engines
analyze over 100 On-Page Factors when analyzing your web pages.
Some of the major On-Page Search Engine Optimization Factors are:
- Keyword Density
- Words in Title Tag
- Words in the Page
- Words in Links
- Words in Headings
- Words in Bold
- Beginning Words
- Words in URL
- Meta Tags (some engines)
- HTML Validation
- Directory Listings
- Link Structure
- "Indexability" of the page
- and Hundreds of Other Factors
We Build Pages offer On Page Optimization solutions for your
Our service includes: Keyword Research, Optimized blueprint
for pages, Code Validation, Meta Tags, load time optimization, text suggestions,
keyword density optimized, and more.
We offer this service as either an hourly or project basis depending on the
current state of your website. We will even implement the changes ourselves
and show you a before and after comparison to ensure you your pages have been
We can create on page reports and mock-ups of optimized pages, along with
pages of instructions (We call this the "Report Style") or, you can
just give us FTP access to your site and we'll just go in and optimize your
pages for you (FTP Style). Either way, you tell us how you want it done (be doing or
Sign up for On Page Optimization
Services or get a FREE
Why Do You Need On Page Optimization?
If you want to maintain a successful web presence you need our on page optimization
services. Perhaps your website ranks great, but what if your targeting the
wrong keywords? What if your "over optimized" and your website has
been considered spammy. Do you have proper site architecture and are all your
pages getting spidered? Are you taking full advantage of the unknown elements
that can help you naturally rank high?
Consider our on page optimization services if any of these questions have
made you think twice about your web marketing.
Sign up for On Page Optimization
Services or get a FREE
Keep in mind that the Best Mathematical formula for On-Page and Off-Page
Factors Wins
The Search
Engine will show those sites with the "best mathematical
formulas"at the top listings. When we optimize web pages,
we're trying to feed the engine the things that we feel will help
your formula for specific phrases that we're targeting.
How we've done
See some of the keyword
phrases that we've targeted.
us for Professional Search Engine Optimization Services
Search Engine Marketing Resources
Information for Webmasters
- From Google
Google Knowledgebase V2
- Food for your head
Engine Optimization Free
- Hotwired, Lycos tutorial
Search Engine
- The Hub of Internet Marketing News
Search Optimization
- Site providing free tips on Google Optimization