The Wayback Machine -

A Northwest Favorite Since 1967

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The Sportsmans Warehouse
       Seattle, WA
      Tel: 206-624-6550

Formula for calculating the weight of released fish:
Interested in knowing how much that trophy fish weighed that you released?  Simply enter the girth and length of the fish, in inches, and the weight will be calculated for you.  After years of using this formula on our salmon and steelhead we can attest to it's accuracy.

Length of Fish Girth of Fish

Your fish weighed: pounds!

On this page you'll find all the information you need to plan your next fishing trip.  By keeping up to date on articles on this website and by attending our seminars you'll pick up useful hints on how to use water levels and weather forecasts to plan your next trip.  Keeping up to date on this information like this could save you a long drive only to find out your favorite river is high with runoff.

Online Resources

NW Forecasts

Tides & Currents

Water Levels

Washington River Levels
Oregon River Levels
Select a specific river

State Agencies

WA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife
OR Dept. of Fish & Wildlife

Boat Launches

Washington Launches
(search by county)
Oregon Launches
(comprehensive search)


Steelhead University is a division of Salmon University.
All content of this site is ©2004-2006 Steelhead University, unless otherwise noted.

Guides and Lodges recommended by Steelhead University

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View Steelhead Smolt Plants and Harvest Summaries for Washington State