The Wayback Machine -
  More to Explore...

Just imagine... twisted, knife-edged mountains carved into hoodoos and studded with fossils; winding rock washes that lead to mineral licks, waterfalls and alpine tundra; necklaces of jade and sapphire lakes that look like jewels set into the dense green forests; and adrenalin-surging whitewater rivers, hotsprings, rare orchids and breathtaking mountain scenery. It's all here to explore in the Muskwa-Kechika wilderness area... the 'Serengeti of the North'.

It can only get better as our staff are dedicated to do everything they can to showcase the natural wonderland you will find at Northern Rockies Lodge.


The hiking opportunities are endless in Muncho Lake Provincial Park... explore the gravel washes along the Alaska Highway, observe stone mountain sheep on the Trout River Mineral Lick or take in a guided day hike to view the hoodoos in Wokkpash Canyon.

If you're interested in an extended trek, consider doing the trail from Wokkpash Lake to the Alaska Highway... this hiking trip is 3 days.


For easy canoeing we recommend a vacation at one of our outpost cabins located on a remote mountain lake. Each outpost cabin destination offers great local canoeing opportunities. Canoes and food are provided with our outpost cabin vacation packages.

For a rewarding wilderness canoe tour there are several options available to the experienced paddler... Gataga River, Turnagain / Kechika River, Tuchodi River, Netson Lake / Rabbit River and Nahanni River.

For the unguided canoe tours you must provide your own tent, sleeping bag and food. Canoe rentals are available from Northern Rockies Lodge.

Northern Explorer Tour

Your opportunity to retrace the footsteps of the early explorers who first charted northern British Columbia, the Northwest Territories and the Yukon. In the comfort of your groups' own bush-airplane, visit far away places which are not accessible by commercial airline.

Highlights of the Northern Explorer Tour are many over the course of 7 days.


"The scenery is unmatched at any place we have stayed before. The number and variety of animals we saw at the lakes will never be matched again I am sure."
- Jim Donovan, Illinois

"You have a first class lodge and the Beaver is a beauty!"
- Kirby Redman

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Experience it for yourself...

Call Marianne, Lorelei or pilots Urs and Darren at

  Hiking WokkpashCanoeing Netson LakeMoose on Netson LakeAnglers with Lake TroutEagle in treeChalet on the lake
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