Get Published
Do you have a story to tell or news to report from your High School?
High School Driver wants to hear from you. Submit a story for consideration
and we may publish it on HighSchoolDriver.com
What to Submit
Tells us what's happening at your school? New Rules, A Great Teacher,
Fund Raisers, How's your Football team?
Creative Writing
Are you an anspiring writer? Send us your story or poetry
Driving Adventures
Have any interesting stories about getting your license, learning to
drive, or other driving adventures?
Other Topics
- Music
- Your High School Band
- Sports
- Anything to do with Cars
- Academics, Scholariships
- Your Job
Email Your Submission to editor@HighSchoolDriver.com
Include the Following:
Note: Please do not submit any personal information or use any inappropriate
language. We will likey edit your submission before posting it.
By submitting to editor@highschooldriver.com you are giving us permission
to publish your submission on www.highschooldriver.com. Drive
Safe, Get There, Have Fun
