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Kodiak Island
Kodiak Island
offers world class Salmon, Steelhead
and Dolly Varden fishing on our near
bye rivers. The Karluk river is world famous for
its King salmon and Steel Head runs. The Zachar river has wonderful
silver salmon fishing starting in late August running until mid October,
this small river holds large numbers of silvers and resident Dollies.
Kodiak offers unbelievable river fishing with some of the worlds most breath
taking scenery.
Karluk River Steelhead
The Karluk offers
anglers world class Dolly fishing along with Steel Head starting in mid
September and lasting until freeze up. A run of 5-7 thousand steel head make
their way up the river to spawn and 10-20 fish days
are common during the fall.
Karluk River Salmon fishing
This wonderful river carves it way through the r ugged
Kodiak mountains twenty miles from Karluk Lake to its demise in Karluk
Lagoon. The Karluk river is small by Alaska standards, the shallow
water in gravel bars make this a fly fishers dream. The Kings start to
show up in the river during early June and the season closes the end
of July.
Fly in Fishing on Kodiak Island
We specialize in fly fishing for Kings, Silvers, and
SteelHead in the remote Alaskan wilderness. The lakes and rivers that
we fish are easy to wade and a dream to fish, and most are only reached by
float planes. Kodiak offers so many different species that it is hard
to choose which one to fish for. The tackle busting salmon or world
class dolly-varden fishing whats your pick? Maybe a little of both,
what ever you choose our professional guides will take you to your
next fly fishing destination in class and show you a fishing trip of a life
If World class Salmon and Steelhead fishing on Kodiak
is what your looking for give us a call !