When thinking about producing a business card many people just think of a
printed image on the card. However there are several ways business cards can be
produced, foil blocking being one of them;
Basically Foil blocking involved the transfer of a foil onto the business card
using a block which contains the image. It is a very simple process but can be
used to great effect with business cards, or even used along with a
conventionally printed business card – ask us for a sample
The range of foils available for business cards is also a reason to consider
this process, we have recently produced several business cards with holographic
foil which gave a “security” look to the business card – we were able to
produce and sell this business card at a fraction of the cost of other printers
Foil Blocking is also used in wedding stationery especially the silver and gold
foils which are very shiny and look give a great traditional feel to your
wedding stationery.