Resource About financePersonal FinanceMutual FundThe central idea of a mutual fund is to enable investors to pool their money and
place it under professional investment management. The manager makes the trades,
realizing a gain or loss, and collects the dividend or interest income. The investment
proceeds are then passed along to the individual investors. There are more mutual funds than there are individual stocks. Mutual funds are not guaranteed or insured by the FDIC or any other government
agency — even if you buy through a bank and the fund carries the bank's name. You can lose money investing in mutual funds. Want to know more info about finance, please visit Sec.gov Home Loans & Mortgage Loans Refinancing and BuyingHome Loans mortgages Search more news about finance, please visit Home-loans-equity.net RefinancingRefinancing your loan allows you to take advantage of improvements in your credit or drops in market interest rates. Finding out if now is a good time to home refinance is free. A popular option when refinancing is what is called a "cash out refinance."
When you do your refinance you can make a small increase in your loan amount and get the money out as cash. Continue to read more info about finance, please visit Lendingexpo.net Home Buying TipsBefore you buy a house, call around and see if a local community agency offers
a course on home ownership. If so, take it; you won't regret it. Don't allow yourself to be pressured by the seller or the real estate agent. Take your time. Make a list of the positive reasons for buying the house. Make a list of the negative reasons for buying the house. This is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Don't make it too quickly. An appraisal report tells you the market value of a property. Get your own certified appraiser to prepare an appraisal report for you. You should be able to get an appraisal report for about $175 and it's worth it. Don't simply accept the appraisal provided the lender who gives you a mortgage. Get a home inspection. Find out ahead of time if the home needs repairs. Don't find out that your roof leaks only after you have moved into the house. A home inspection may cost $225 but it's worth it. Use an attorney. Read more articles about finance, please visit Oag.state.ny.us Retirement Investment Strategies---StockEquities: Equities are growth investments, and can include things like real estate and gold. But the most popular equity investments are stocks. What Is a Stock? A stock is a unit of ownership in a company. Companies can raise money in two ways. They can borrow your money by issuing debt (bonds). Or they can sell equity in the company by issuing shares (stocks). When a company issues stock, it basically divides itself into little pieces. Those pieces are sold to investors. When you buy a stock, you become one of the owners (shareholders) of the company. As such, you are normally entitled to share in its profits and vote at annual shareholder meetings. When the company makes money, it distributes some of these profits to the shareholders. These profit distributions are called dividends. The rest of the earnings get reinvested in the company, to fund projects that hopefully increase the value of the company. If the company doesn't report any profits, you won't get any dividends. If the company starts to lose money, you aren't on the hook for any of its debts. (You don't incur any personal liability. Your liability is limited to the amount you paid for your stock.) Learn more info about finance, please visit Rbcroyalbank.com Individual insolvencyInsolvency describes a financial condition experienced by a person or entity when his (or its) assets exceed his liabilities or when the person or entity can no longer meet its debt obligations when they come due. A state of insolvency generally leads to a legal finding of bankruptcy. However, because putting a person or entity into bankruptcy requires the payment of court fees, an insolvent person or entity may be insolvent and not legally bankrupt. There is no point in putting forward a proposal which cannot be afforded so it is necessary to prepare a schedule of income and expenses. Any funds available after payment of essential living expenses can then be applied for putting forward a proposal for payments to creditors. Those creditors will then be contacted and invited to agree a schedule for repayments. As long as it can be shown that a realistic effort has been made to address the problem, it is perhaps surprising how often an informal proposal for payment will be accepted rather than leaving the creditor to take its own steps to effect recovery. If interest is payable on debts, it may also be possible to secure an agreement for interest payments to be frozen as long as the promised payments are maintained. The main disadvantage of in informal arrangement for the debtor is that it requires the consent of all the main creditors and, of course, this may not be forthcoming. Even if a workable arrangement is achieved, there is nothing to force the creditors to stick to the arrangement and if one or more decide to demand higher payments or even payment in settlement then the best efforts to address the problem can be scuppered. If you want to read more info about finance, please visit Canter-law.co.uk 13 Ways to Earn Money Fast
Want to know more resource about finance, please visit Ivillage.com 5 Steps to Getting Out of Debt
Continue to read more articles about finance, please visit Ivillage.com When to put your money in unit trustsBy timing your payments better, you will get better returns from your unit trust funds, according to recent research. If you want to get the best out of your unit trust investments, you should make new investments after the first of the month and not at month end. This is one of the conclusions of a thesis undertaken by Esther Steyn, an MBA
student at the University of Stellenbosch Business School. Steyn's thesis was
moderated by Professor Eon Smit and published in the latest Investment Analysts'
Journal, under the title, "Are unit trust performances inflated at quarter ends?" "For the individual investor, the most important lesson to be learned ... is that one should invest in unit trusts at the beginning of a (calendar) quarter and sell at the end, not the other way around," Steyn says. New contributionsPyper says one of the advantages of unit trusts is that they allow small investors to "pool" monthly investments to gain access to the expertise of a professional fund manager that would otherwise not be available to them. "We can assume, with a high level of confidence, that a significant proportion of the total amount invested by means of single-amount investments or monthly debit orders, will be close to month end," Pyper says. He says fund managers of equity portfolios feel that they have a mandate from investors to invest in equities. For this reason, they feel uncomfortable about having a high cash portion in their portfolios when reporting back to clients (more specifically at quarter end and at year end) and tend to invest any surplus cash before the end of the last trading day of the quarter, which may explain some of the higher trading activity close to the end of the last trading day. Funds of Funds (FoFs)Pyper says a FoF is a unit trust that invests in two or more other unit trusts. The price of a directly managed unit trust is calculated from the closing prices. Whereas, the price of a FoF is calculated from the prices of the underlying unit trusts, which are available only on the following day. Suppliers of unit trust data, such as prices and performances, recognise this and compensate for it by recording the prices of FoFs on the correct day. This does not influence normal performance calculations. There is, however, a small technical difference between the performance of FoFs and directly managed unit trusts when it comes to income distributions. FoFs declare and distribute income (interest and dividends) once or twice a year at the end of a quarter which might also be at year-end. When the underlying funds of a FoF declare and distribute income, the prices of the underlying unit trust funds decline with the distributions and the reduced prices of the underlying funds are used in the calculation of the price of the FoF. The distributions of the underlying funds are not available at that time (due to the one-day lag), and the price of the FoF cannot incorporate the distributions before they are available on the next day. The performance of a FoF on the first trading day after quarter-end will therefore be slightly understated if one or more of its underlying funds declared distributions. This understatement will be corrected in the price for the second trading day of the month. Pyper says taking into consideration the two sources of a possible bias in the results, "one must agree that the day-to-day operations relating to unit trusts may lead to patterns that may be mistaken as window dressing, although it was not the specific objective of the fund manager". Search more news about finance, please visit Persfin.co.za personal finance softwareSimple Joe's Money Tools Money Tools' easy-to-use financial calculation tools can help you:
If you need more info about finance, please visit Simplejoe.com College FinancingEducation LoanAn education loan is a form of financial aid that must be repaid, with interest.
(Scholarships, on the other hand, do not have to be repaid.) Read more articles about finance, please visit Finaid.org Student LoanStudent Loans are available to attend the college or university of your choice. You can apply for student loans online. There are two types of student loans available: government student loans and private student loans. Also if you already have a student loan, you can refinance your student loan by doing a student loan consolidation. Parent Loans
Know more info about finance, please visit Parent Plus Loan Repayment of PLUS loans begins 60 days after the first or second disbursement (depending on the lender). The standard repayment period is 10 years. You may borrow up to the cost of attendance minus other financial aid including loans. Selecting a lender for a PLUS is the same as for the Stafford loans. If your school participates in Direct Lending, your lender will be the federal government. If you borrow through FFELP you will need to select a lender. Want to read more resource about finance, please visit The Old School Federal PLUS Loan InformationWhat is a Federal PLUS Loan? Continue to need more info about finance, please visit Educaid.com PLUS Loans - The Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students
If you want to read more resource about finance, please visit Next Student Private Education LoansPrivate education loans, Learn more info about finance, please visit Petersons.com Private LoansA majority of law students finance part of their legal education through a combination of federal and private educational loans. Private educational loans are available from private lenders for students whose cost of attendance has not been met through other federal loans. The terms and conditions for private educational loans may vary. Search more news about finance, please visit Law.northwestern.edu Loan to LoanBorrow up to $50,000 per year for tuition, books, living costs and more. Apply online, approval in minutes. You must have steady income and good credit to qualify. Want to read more info about finance, please visit Loan To Learn UpromiseAccording to U.S. Census Bureau statistics, people with a bachelor's degree earn
over 80 percent more on average than those with only a high school diploma... Know more resource about finance, please visit Lty.s.upromise.com Bank OneWhether you have a specific borrowing need or just need extra cash, a Bank One Home Equity LoanSM or Bank One Home Equity Line of CreditSM may be your answer. Take advantage of the equity you have in your home with these great features. Continue to know more info about finance, please visit Bankone.com Campus DoorOur goal is to create an unmatched customer experience. Whether you are a high school student, college student, or parent of a student, we are the resource for 100 percent of your education loan needs. If you want to know more info about finance, please visit Campus Door CFSCollegiate Funding Services is a leading nationwide provider of products and services that address a full-range of education finance and debt management needs. We have helped nearly three quarters of a million student loan borrowers create, customize and manage education finance and repayment plans that suit their budget and financial goals. If you want to know more info about finance, please visit Cfsedloans.com E Student LoanLooking for the fastest way to the best student loan? Then use our LoanFinder for instant comparisons and online applications. We will match your specific needs with up to 12 loan programs from top lenders. It's fast and free. Search more news about finance, please visit E Student Lloan Student Aid & Scholarship
Want to read more articles about finance, please visit Student Aid Alliance | ![]()
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