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about soap, jewelry and wine, etc home diy, consumer protection, credit cards, auto auction etc about consumer, about holiday decorating safety, tenant, decorating your apartment.

about consumer, apartment and home DIY


Gift Ideas for Dad

about home - gift ideas for dadAre you trobule in the gift for your dad, clothing? Drink? Why not give him a gift of jewelry if your dad likes jewelry to your greeting.

Nothing means more to dad than a hand made gift from you. So, why not give him a gift you create yourself. Here are a few ideas. Then put it in the jewelry box, all is finish.

If your dad likes jewelry, then consider making him a cool sterling chain. They’ve already talked about a number of chains on this site including the Spanish Style, Wrap Chain, and to make any chain more masculine, consider using thicker gage wire such as 16 or 14 gage.

Key Fob:
Use silver wire and make him a unqiue key fob. Dangle a silver charm or fused glass piece or whatever you like from the chain.

Continue to read more about home, please visit Jewelry Making About.

Consumer Protection

We must advocacy our rights as a consumer. The government has some laws to protect our rights, for example: consumer protection.

The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 (68 of 1986) prescribes establishment of Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies. As per Section 9 of the said Act the State Government shall establish by notification establish a Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum known as District Forum for each District and a State Consumer disputes Redressal Commission known as State Commission for the State. The Central Government shall establish a National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission. In view of the said Section the State Government has established District Forums in each District and the State Commission in the capital of the State. The Central Government has established the National Commission at New Delhi.

The Act has been enacted with a view to provide speedy and un-expensive remedy to consumers and is aimed to protect the consumers from exploitation by traders and service providers.


The National Commission is headed by a President who shall be a sitting or retired Judge of Supreme Court and shall consist of four other members one of whom shall be a woman. The State Commission is headed by a President who shall be a sitting or retired Judge of High Court and shall consist of two other members, one of whom shall be a woman. Similarly, the District Forum shall consist of a President, who shall be a sitting or retired District Judge or qualified to be a District Judge. The District Forum also shall consist of two other members, one of whom shall be a woman.

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Government Purchasing Project

The Government Purchasing Project (GPP) is dedicated to protecting the environment and human health through market-based strategies. GPP works to encourage the government to use its immense purchasing power to promote safe, cost-effective, energy-efficient, and environmentally-sound products.

The government is the largest consumer in the United States, representing 20 percent of the gross national product. This purchasing leverage can be an enormously effective tool which can save taxpayers money, set the standard for private industries, expand the marketplace for "green" technologies, and consequently make these technologies and environmentally preferable products more available to consumers as a whole.

GPP currently focuses on promoting wood reduction procurement policies and practices in all levels of government, such as buy-recycled policies, tree-free products and green building design.

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Standard Credit Cards

Chase Platinum
Credit Line - Up to $100,000 · Chase Relationship Pricing; Current Chase customers enjoy a lower long-term APR · Year-End Summary Summarizes ...about home - standard credit cards

Orchard Bank® Gold MasterCard ®
Take your credit to the next level, with a Orchard Bank Gold MasterCard. Because of our reputation for outstanding customer service and a focus on ...

Citi®Platinum Select®Card
Apply now and start saving with: 0% APR* on balance transfers and purchases for 12 months ? No annual fee With this card comes the added ...

The Union Plus®Credit Card
As a union member, you are eligible to apply for the Union Plus Credit Card with No Annual Fee and 100% Fraud Protection. This exclusive offer was ...

If you want to know more about home, please visit Credit Card Menu.

kinds of health insurance

home health insuranceMost of people buy health insurance, and which kind of health insurance is best for you? Some health insurance is below, read carefully before you buy the heath insurance.

There are essentially two kinds of health insurance -- Fee-for-Service and Managed Care. Although these plans differ, they both cover an array of medical, surgical and hospital expenses. Most cover prescription drugs and some also offer dental coverage.

These plans generally assume that the medical professional will be paid a fee for each service provided to the patient. Patients are seen by a doctor of their choice and the claim is filed by either the medical provider or the patient.

Managed Care.
More than half of all Americans have some kind of managed-care plan. Various plans work differently and can include: health maintenance organizations (HM0s), preferred provider organizations (PPOs) and point-of-service (POS) plans. These plans provide comprehensive health services to their members and offer financial incentives to patients who use the providers in the plan.

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Rising Interest Rates Will Affect Your Investments — What You Should Knowabout home - rising interest rates will affect your investments

The bond markets are extremely active, with interest rates constantly changing in response to a number of factors including changes in the supply and demand of credit, Federal Reserve policy, fiscal policy, exchange rates, economic conditions, market psychology and, above all, changes in expectations about inflation. Currently, rising interest rates and expectations for economic recovery are impacting bond prices. As interest rates change, so do the values of all bonds in the marketplace. If you are thinking about buying bonds, or have recently bought some, you need to be aware of the effect of rising rates on your holdings.

Continue to read more about home, please visit Inves Tingin Bonds.

Home of Arizona's Public Auto Auction

Stop by on any Friday to preview and test drive the cars that will be run in the Saturday auction.

Come into the auction office on Saturday to register for your auction bid card. See their FAQ for more deposit and payment information.

home of Arizona's public auto auctionJoin in the auction fun!
Before each auction shoot the basketball - if you make it in the hoop you could get $50 or more off of your purchase!

Bid on the vehicles that you want.
When you are the winning bidder, come to the auction office to leave your deposit or pay for your vehicle in full. Then fill out your purchase forms and motor vehicle paperwork so we can get your title and registration transferred for you.

We even making paying easy!
If you are prepared to leave the full purchase amount, then you can drive your new vehicle home on Saturday. If you don't have the full amount then just leave a $200 cash deposit for each vehicle you purchase, then we'll give you until the Wednesday following the auction to pay the remaining balance. See their FAQ for more details.

There are some related hot links, click one of them which you need, they may can help you some: Loan, Financing, Buyer, Sellers, Real Estate, Matching, Price, Ownership.

Need more info about home, please visit Sunburst Carco.

The Internet Grocer

There are some store agency in our life, but do you think the Internet grocer is also in our life too, to help you enjoy the easyhome about the internet grocer life. You can make a price comparisons before you buy the food. And sometime they will provide coupon for you too. What if you can't get to the grocery store—or don't want to go into town—for any reason? Maybe you've had a rough week and just don't feel like getting out. Maybe you want to keep from catching the flu this season. There's ice on the roads! Or, maybe the threat alert level is too high and it might be better to avoid crowded areas. Maybe it's time to build an emergency supply, or have an emergency preparedness plan, or just put together an emergency preparedness kit. (Domestic preparedness is highly recommended by the Department of Homeland Security!) Maybe you just don't want to drive your car and spend enormous sums on fuel.

Whatever the reason, this site has reasonable, affordable, delicious solutions found in dehydrated foods and freeze dried foods, dry vegetables, dehydrated eggs, dry mixes, as well as real canned meats, real canned cheese and (wow!) real canned butter! This is the place where you can do your internet grocery shopping online. The place, not just for domestic preparedness, but for family preparedness. (For whom do you want to prepare more than your family?) If you don't have an emergency preparedness store in your neighborhood, what could be better than an online grocery store? If you like cuisining, please don't miss.

Want to read more article about home, please visit Internet Grocer.

Snowshoe Mountain Ski Resort

about home snowshoe mountain ski resortSomebody like sport, such as skiing, so go to ski resort is a good chance for you when you have time. Here I will introduce a ski resort, the info may not detail, if you want to know more, please visit their website.

Snowshoe Mountain Ski Resort is the perfect resort destination for skiing holidays and winter vacations in West Virginia. Learn about the mountain, see current snow conditions and book your ski vacation packages right here.

Most Terrain in the Region - 32 Trails Open...
With 32 trails open, including the Spruce Glades Terrain Park with 8 features and rails, Snowshoe Mountain continues to offer the most terrain south of New York. With more natural snow, cold temps and snowmaking in the forecast, look for even more terrain to open by Christmas.

If you want to know more about home, please visit Snowshoe Mtn.

Tips to Protect your Investment

Often times, your new car isn't suspected of being a Lemon until it is too late (out of warranty, over the mileage limit, etc). If you keep a record of every repair visit, starting with the first one, you will protect your rights under Consumer Laws. Our Repair Log makes it easy to record every Repair Attempt.

Document everything! This includes notes, who you talk to, what is said, dates and times. Put your complaints in writing and keep a copy for yourself. Be sure to obtain a copy of any Warranty Repair Orders. Demand a copy if necessary and if the dealer will not give you one, be sure to document the fact. When you pick up your car, obtain an Invoice. The dealer may claim that you are not entitled to an Invoice because there were no charges (you were not invoiced for any repairs). It is up to you to prove repair attempts! The final Invoice shows what was or was not repaired.

Make absolutely sure the dealer records your complaint on the Repair Order exactly as you describe it. You must make sure to describe the defect exactly the same on each repair visit or you may forfeit your rights under the "reasonable attempts to repair for the same defect" clause.

Be sure that the date, time in, and odometer reading are recorded as well as the date and time you picked up the car. In most States you are covered by the Lemon Law if the vehicle has been in the repair shop for an accumulative number of days during the coverage period.

If your car fails in the middle of the desert or in the middle lane of rush hour freeway traffic, record the date and time, the amount of time you had to wait for assistance, whether or not you had to rent a car, and your general overall feelings. The emotional trauma dealing with a defective vehicle has a lot of bearing on your case should you need to go to arbitration or court.

Read more article about home, contact Carle Mon.



Holiday Decorating Safety

Holiday decorating, it doesn't need full plan to decorating, such as flooring plan, or buy some new furniture to decorating your home, somebody buy some lights to decorating their home, but you must keep your holidays happy and safe by remembering the rules of electrical safety and taking these extra precautions:

  • Do check for cracked or loose sockets and connections, exposed wires, and frayed, broken or scorched insulation before buy some new furniture to decorating your home plugging in any lights - old or new. Then put the lights on a nonflammable surface and plug them in for 10 - 15 minutes to check for melting, smoking or overheating. Throw away any strings showing flaws.
  • Do make sure your lights are safety certified. Look for a label that says "Underwriters Laboratories Approved" or "UL Listed."
  • Do protect small children and pets by using plastic safety covers on all unused outlets and keeping cords out of sight and reach. A cord as short as 12 inches can strangle a child.
  • Do water your "real" Christmas tree every day, and keep light strings from coming into direct contact with branches. If you have an artificial tree, make sure it's fire retardant.
  • Do make sure the lights and extension cords you use outside are certified for outdoor use and are plugged into a ground fault circuit interrupter outlet.
  • Do keep decorations and ladders away from overhead electrical lights and power lines.
  • Do follow the manufacturer's guidelines on how many strings of lights can be safely connected together.

Everyone want to decorate his house more beautiful, but have not idea, some decoration related links may help them: Living, Maintenance, Bed, Bedroom, Chair, Table, Bench, Curtain, Airbed.

Continue to read more about home, please visit Power House TV.

Kitchens tips

if you're remodeling an old kitchen or planning a kitchen addition or a new home Once relegated to the back of the house, the kitchen has in recent years come out of confinement. But the challenge in creating an open-faced kitchen - one that's part of a dining area, family room or so-called great room - is downplaying its utilitarian nature.
Beyond choosing appealing materials and colors, a key factor is combating excessive uniformity and rigidity by creating a lively interior landscape and skyline using cabinets and structural elements. Thinking in geographic terms can help a kitchen relate to the spaces around it and yet set it apart from them.

If you're remodeling an old kitchen or planning a kitchen addition or a new home, here are some strategies to keep in mind.

Build bridges, not walls. Islands and peninsulas are the kitchen's new walls. Because you can see over and around them, they connect the kitchen to an adjacent dining area, living room or family room and yet define the kitchen's borders. They also allow the cook to maintain visual and conversational contact with family members and guests in adjoining spaces.

Create a kitchen canopy. Even with an open floor plan, it's important to keep the kitchen from spilling over visually into other spaces. What islands and peninsulas do below, dropped soffits and shallow ceiling-mounted cabinets do above. They define the kitchen's borders in a subtle way without blocking views into or out of the kitchen.

A coffered or pitched ceiling can also distinguish the kitchen from neighboring rooms. Going for a high ceiling in the kitchen can boost the perception of spaciousness. Going low in a dining area imparts a sense of intimacy.

Need more info about home, please visit Absolutere Modeling.

Bathroom Decorating Ideas

Everyday you must go home and to bathroom to shower, how to decorating your bathroom? Where is the toilet seat? And everyday you must go home and to bathroom to shower towel, clawfoot tub and so on. The below is some ideas of bathroom decorating.
Serene in Green
Serene green paper blends seamlessly into the neutral flooring and fixture when you use these bathroom decorating ideas.
Sea of Glass
Mosaic tiles in two soft shades of blue-green give this updated 1950s bath the look of ocean water.
Clean Living Bath
In this bathroom decorating idea, wall-hung sinks beside built-in drawers and below a ledge offer separate grooming spaces and leave a sleek profile.
Getting Creative with Bathroom Tile
Beige and cream wall tile form diagonal lines, while blue and beige floor tiles are laid in a checkerboard design.

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Housing Rights Protection
about home landlord-tenantThere are some trouble in residential, for landlord, tenant, or roommates, if you want to know more info of housing rights protection, you are in the right place.

Various federal, state and local laws and ordinances protect housing rights. The Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 makes it illegal for a landlord to discriminate because of a person's race, sex, national origin or religion. Some local laws forbid discrimination against unmarried persons, children, homosexuals, disabled persons or others.

Washington has a Residential Landlord-Tenant Act which defines the minimum duties of landlords and tenants of residential dwellings. These laws also impose certain restrictions and provide remedies if one party fails to carry out a duty. The remedies include eviction, reduced rent, self-help repairs, the right to sue for money damages, and an award of attorneys' fees to the successful party. Generally, the provisions of the act may not be waived by the landlord or tenant.

Housing codes and other local ordinances have also been enacted in many communities to set minimum standards for living conditions and to further regulate landlords' and tenants' rights and duties. For example, the City of Seattle requires disclosure of specific information and prohibits certain lease provisions. For information on local ordinances, contact the city council, city attorney or other official where you live.

Landlords and tenants of mobile homes are subject to the rules of the Mobile Home Landlord-Tenant Act; a summary of this act is available from the state Attorney Generals' office.

If you want to know more about home, please visit

Student apartmentsstudent's home

A student apartment is a safe choice. Approximately one third of all Finnish students live in student apartments. Housing costs are reasonable, and applying for an apartment is simple and easy. And you must think of something, such as bed frames, bedding, gazebo and hammock.

Schools and colleges are never too far away from the student apartments, or they can be easily reached by public transport. As our tenant, you can always seek another type of student apartment according to any changes which might take place in your life during your student years.

Student housing foundations and companies are non-profit making associations governed by student unions and/or the municipality. Today, almost 80,000 students have found accommodation from these associations.

Read more article about home, contact

fire safety

Fire is very useful, but if you don't take good care, it is cutthroat too, security is more important than everything, please take good care of fire safety. Make sure all family members know what to do in the event of a fire. Draw a floor plan with at least two ways of escaping every room. Make a drawing for each floor. Dimensions do not need to be correct. Make sure the plan shows important details: stairs, hallways and windows that can be used as fire escape routes.

Test windows and doors they open easy enough? Are they wide enough. Or tall enough?

Choose a safe meeting place outside the house.

Practice alerting other members. It is a good idea to keep a bell and flashlight in each bedroom.

Continue to read more about home, please visit Fire Safety Tips.

Wine racks

Somebody like wine storage, and some have a wine cellar in the house, when guests come to have a drink. Then you must need wine racks.

Wine racks shipped nationwide direct from The Vine Store. Stock the finest wine rack styles including: Wood Wine Racks, Metal Wine Racks, Hanging Wine Racks, Wall Mounted Wine Racks, Wine Rack Furniture, Specialty Wine Racks and Wine Glasses. Wine racks are offered in a variety of bottle capacity sizes for both your residential and commercial wine storage needs.

This sturdy 18 bottle wine rack provides individual bottle storage at a very low cost. PLEASE NOTE: this rack comes with two rows with capacity for 9 bottles in each row.

Need more info about home, please visit The Vine Store.

Apartment Search Tips

Before You Set Out:

  1. Make a shopping list. Are you looking for hardwood floors, dishwasher, washer/dryer, fireplace etc. You may not find everything but it doesn't hurt to set priorities.
  2. Be prepared! Collect some information to present to landlords/leasing agents - they'll probably ask for it, anyway. This should include:
    - Credit check .
    - Resume.
    - Pay stubs/tax returns.
  3. Cover the bases. Many Tucson landlords will want to verify your references. Phone ahead to alert possible references, including your former landlord, that they may receive a call.

After You've Found It:

Read your lease thoroughly and make sure you understand it. Don't be afraid to ask! For example:
- What utilities are you responsible for?
- Are pets allowed?
- How is the television reception? Will you need cable ?
- Is there reference to existing wear or damage or a penalty for breaking the lease?

Continue to read more about home, please visit Tucson Apartments.

Apartment security after you've moved in

Introduce yourself to your neighbors. If there's a security system that requires those without keys to request entry, then help ensure the safety of your neighbors as well as your own by never buzzing in a stranger. Make sure that theabout home-apartment search tips door to your suite has not only an effective deadbolt, but a peephole as well. Try to use laundry room and other common facilities with a neighbor, rather than alone. Single women, in particular, shouldn't have their full names listed on apartment intercom systems or mailboxes. Or in the phone book. Use initials, or consider inventing another half of a 'couple' for such purposes. Make arrangements with a neighbor you trust to keep each other's spare keys, collect each other's mail when you're away and, possibly, deal with such issues as deliveries or appliance repair if you're not able to be home. Be aware that basement suites and those on the ground and lower levels are generally more vulnerable to burglary than those higher up.

If, despite taking all reasonable precautions to ensure your safety, you're still concerned, you should consider talking to a home security company about a system for your apartment.

Want to read more article about home, please visit Got Trouble.

Decorating Your Apartment.

decorating your homeAs is the case in the residence halls, you will be responsible and possibly charged for any changes you make to the condition of your apartment (e.g., damages, missing furniture). The following tips will help you to avoid charges at the end of the year.

  • Doors - The Office for Residence Life requests that you do not place anything on doors inside or outside your apartment. Items such as memo boards, writing, tape, stickers, decals and contact paper damage the finish and/or paint on the doors.
  • Painting - Painting is the responsibility of the Maintenance Department. Residents are not permitted to paint their apartments. Should your apartment need painting, you may request service from the Maintenance Department by having your Resident Assistant complete a Facilities Services Request Form.
  • Seasonal Decorations - For fire safety reasons live Christmas trees and/or evergreens are not permitted in the apartments. The Office for Residence Life will provide further information to all apartment residents regarding seasonal decorations during the first week of November.

If you want to know more about home, please visit Reslife Villanova.

color scheme for your apartment?
  • Red - Bright and bold, red suggcolor scheme for your homeests vitality and aggressiveness. It's a great accent color, making cold, open rooms seem more inviting and intimate. Deep, subtle shades of red such as burgundy and maroon are perfect for living rooms.
  • Yellow - Stimulating, sunny and cheerful, yellow is associated with intellect, power and creative energy. Bright yellows bring warmth and light into dark rooms, and pale yellows make small rooms seem larger. It's also a great kitchen color.
  • Blue - Blue denotes harmony, peace, steadfastness and loyalty. While it's appropriate for any room, blue is an excellent bedroom color because it makes one feel comforted and serene. It can also soften rooms that are over-bright.

Read more article about home, contact So You Wanna.

Miami Apartment Rental Tips

home about-Miami apartment rental tipsRenting an apartment in Miami can be a daunting task, but we've put togethert a list of tips to make the process a little easier:

1. The best way to begin is to call the property management companies 45 days before your move date and ask them what they have available. In most cases, property management companies represent/own many apartments and should know in advance which units will be available. Be prepared to provide them with your price range and desired move-in date.

2. Know the rental market that you are moving to. As of October, 2004 the average price of a studio apartment in Miami Beach is $650. The average price of a 1-bedroom is $950. The average price of a 2-bedroom is $1,250.

3 . Do you need parking, dishwasher or a building that accepts pets? Make a list of requirements to help narrow down your choices.

Continue to read more about home, please visit


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Info about home diy, jewelry and wine, consumer protection, auto auction, credit cards, etc about consumer, about tenant, holiday safety, decorating apartment, apartment search, etc.

Home DIY

How to Make Soap

home DIY how to make soap

The basics of soap making has remained unchanged over the centuries. The ancient Roman tradition was to take rain water, potash and animal tallow, turning it into a cleansing agent. There are many legends about how soap was discovered. Some say that after a heavy rain fall on the slopes of Mount Sapo, the water mixed with the animal fat and ashes around an important sacrificial alter.

Today homemade soaps are able to duplicate or improve on most commercial products. The use of scents, coloring agents, herbs and more are within the scope of home soap makers who are also allowed to choose exactly what will go into their product. Many home soap makers today make their own dish liquid, laundry soaps, bath soaps, facial soap and liquid body soaps.

To make your own soap you will need a 2 quart jar to hold the lye solution, a 12 quart pot, a wooden spoon, a candy thermometer, rubber gloves, molds for the soap, cardboard or styrofoam to insulate the soap after it is poured into the molds and any scents, colors or items to be added to the soap. You will also want to cover your work area including the floor with newspaper. Before beginning the soap making process prepare your lye solution. Pour 2 1\2 cups cold water into an enameled pot then add 13 ounces of lye slowly while you stir continuously with a wooden spoon. Remember that the action of the lye crystals and water will bring the temperature up to 200 degrees fahrenheit or over.

When the lye and fat are cooled, bring the temperature of both to between 95 and 98 degrees fahrenheit by placing them in basins of hot or cold (sometimes the lye will need cooling) water. Stir the fat thoroughly and then add the lye in a steady stream while continuing to stir. This mixture will turn opaque and a brownish color and then begin to lighten.

Continue to read more about home, please visit All Sands.

Jewelry Making: Tips and Tricks of the Tradehomet DIY - jewelry making

Craft professional jewelry step-by-step with new reference "Jewelry Making: Tips and Tricks of the Trade" offers more than 35 original projects, extensively explained Iola, Wis.--Learning to handcraft jewelry at any level is ordinarily full of pitfalls. Now a new reference helps avoid making common mistakes by thoroughly explaining traditional jewelry making techniques. "Jewelry Making: Tips and Tricks of the Trade" by Stephen O'Keeffe offers photographed step-by-step techniques, providing more than 35 original projects amateurs can complete to professional standards. Published by Krause Publications, this reference includes all the instructions, lists of materials and techniques to create professional grade jewelry.

Need more info about home, please visit

Knitting Tips

When knitting a sweater, knit both sleeves at the same time, home DIY knitting tipson the same needles, using two skeins of yarn. After you have cast on each sleeve, pin the sleeves together. Now, if you are interrupted, you'll know which sleeve is to be knitted next.

For binding off your knitting, substitute your right hand needle with a larger sized one. This gives a more relaxed casting off, and there's no need to worry that the edging will draw up and look pulled.

Wooden needles will work better if you rub them with a soap filled scouring pad before you start knitting.

When making a ribbed band in a color different from the main body of the garment, eliminate an uneven look by picking up the first row of stitches in the main color and then start your first rib row with the contrasting color.

Want to read more article about home, please visit Dot Com Women.

Making Wine From Kits

For your first wine kit you may want to buy a kit that is middle of the road. A middle of the road kit costs between $45 and $60home DIY - making wine from kits for 23 liters of finished wine and is concentrated about 74%. One example is Brew King Vintners Reserve, the volume of the concentrate is 6 liters and you add 17 liters of water to produce 23 liters. I suggest a middle of the road kit for two reasons. If you are successful you have some middle of the road wine you can be proud of. If you totally blow it, then you don't have to dump out $100 worth of bad wine. When I started making wine again after a 20 year hiatus, I bought a cheap kit and a middle of the road kit for my first attempt at making wine. I tasted the must after it was diluted as recommended by the experts. The cheap kit tasted like Welch's grape juice and the middle of the road kit tasted much better. I worried a lot how to make the cheap kit taste better, added lots of stuff and ended up making vinegar out of it in an attempt to salvage my investment and my efforts. The vinegar turned out well but not until it aged for many months (see my page on making vinegar Vinegar_Notes ). The middle of the road kit turned out middle of the road wine and I then started two Brew King Selection kits which cost about $85 each. The initial must tasted very good and the resulting wine was also good after aging 6 months.

If you want to know more about home, please visit Home Comcast.


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