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Track Your Sales In Real Time!
... Increase Your Revenue!
With ClickLog Ad Tracker

ClickLog Ad Tracker is a complete, online, ad tracking and sales tracking management system. It records and collates clicks, sales and other actions for your sales campaigns and presents you with detailed data including Return on Investment (ROI), Cost Per Sale and Cost Per Click.

Ad Tracker and real-time sales figures at your fingertips.

If you spend money on advertising but don't track the results then you might as well throw your money away.

What is ClickLog and what can it do?
We all know, with the current rate of growth of the Internet, it is becoming harder to get traffic to your website or online business. Search engines and indexes are not always the best answer. If you are serious about web exposure then you know it is necessary to pay for advertising. However, not all advertising presents a good return on investment.

Do you know which of your advertising campaigns produced the most sales?
Do you know which one was a complete washout?
ClickLog can give you the answers to these questions.

Imagine having the following data at your fingertips 24/7....
  • Unique visitors generated by each ad or promotion
  • Number of sales generated by each ad or promotion
  • Which ads are generating the most traffic and sales
  • Cost-per-click for each ad or promotion
  • Cost-per-sale for each ad or promotion
  • Clicks-to-sales ratios for each ad or promotion
  • Return on investment, or ROI, for each ad or promotion
With ClickLog you get all this at the click of a button and in real-time. What's more, you can get these figures automatically emailed to you each day.

This data is invaluable to the success of any marketing or advertising campaign. ClickLog will track the response and success of each and every one of your online advertising promotions every moment of every day.

What types of advertising can ClickLog track?
Types of campaigns which can be monitored include (but is not limited to)....

  • Pay Per Click (PPC) Ads
  • eZines
  • Search Engines
  • Newsletter Classifieds
  • Opt-in Emails
  • Newsgroup Postings
  • e-Book Marketing
  • Banner Ads
  • Affiliate Programs
  • Classified Ads
  • Pop-up Advertising
  • Article Submissions
  • Joint Ventures
  • Bulk Email
  • Press Releases
  • FFA Links Pages
  • Bulletin Boards
In fact, ClickLog can track and monitor just about every type of online advertising or marketing promotion you can think of. Ad tracking couldn't be easier.

Every click and sale for each of your campaigns is recorded and presented in an easy to read and understand format. These results can then be exported in CSV format which you can then import into you business spreadsheet or database.

Every Internet marketing expert will tell you that one one of the key secrets to their success is that they constantly track and monitor the results of all their advertising and marketing campaigns.

How does ClickLog Ad Tracker work?
It's really quite easy......

Whenever you start a new ad campaign, you go to the control panel and enter the details for that particular campaign. ClickLog will assign you a unique 'tracking URL' which you then use in your ad in place of the website URL you are promoting..

Here is an example.

You decide to place an ad in the XYZ newsletter promoting a product at your website

You log in to the control panel and then decide on a code for the campaign, in this case 'XYZ' for example. You enter the code, a short description of the campaign and the URL for the product you are advertising. The tracking system will then generate a unique URL (a tracking URL) which is the one you place in the ad.

Now, whenever someone reads your ad and clicks on the link, they will be taken to the ClickLog website where the click is logged and a cookie placed in the clients browser for future reference. ClickLog will then instantly forward the client on to the URL you entered for this campaign at

This whole process is extremely quick and transparent. For the most part, the client will arrive at your website unaware of what has just happened.

It really is as simple as that. The time taken to set up a campaign like this is a matter of seconds and already you know how many users have clicked on your ad link. However, it gets better.

Remember we said above that a cookie is placed in the clients browser? Well this cookie has a very important job and is extremely useful for our purposes. By placing a very small snippet of HTML code in your Thankyou page we can also track which of those users that arrived at your page via this particular ad campaign also made a purchase. From this you can associate a particular sale with a particular ad.

This small piece of HTML code loads a 1 X 1 pixel transparent gif into you page from the ClickLog website. At the same time it sends the cookie generated from the original click and from this we can tie in that particular sale with the original click and this particular ad campaign.

If you are serious about your marketing and advertising promotions then you need factual data to make informed decisions about where your next advertising dollar should go. That's a fact!

So what can ClickLog tell me?
Clicklog records the following data....
  • Number of times your tracking URL has been clicked.
  • Date and time of each click.
  • Ip Address of each visitor click
  • Total clicks
  • Unique clicks (one visitor may click the same link more than once).
  • Where the visitor came from (referring URL).
  • The browser the visitor was using.
  • Total sales (including product descriptions if necessary) that were generated from each of these clicks.
  • Date and time of each sale.
  • IP Address of each visitor that makes a purchase
  • User defined actions such as opt-in email sign-ups, file downloads etc
From all this information ClickLog can produce live reports and data giving you the following information live at the click of a button...
  • Unique visitors generated by each ad or promotion
  • Number of sales generated by each ad or promotion
  • Which ads are generating the most traffic and sales
  • Cost-per-click for each ad or promotion
  • Cost-per-sale for each ad or promotion
  • Clicks-to-sales ratios for each ad or promotion
  • Return on investment, or ROI, for each ad or promotion
Not only can ClickLog track how many visitors have clicked on your ad link and visted your website, it can also tell you which of those visitors made a purchase and even what they purchased.

The beauty of this system is that it is all happening real-time. You can log in to the system at any time and view the stats and data for all your ad campaigns as they are happening. It is all fully automated, easy to set up and an extremely cost effective way of measuring the performance of each of your ad campaigns.

Believe me, you will wonder how you ever got along without ClickLog. Ad tracking couldn't be easier.

Pete Hamilton
Founder and CEO

We are currently in Beta Testing. If you wish to be informed when ClickLog becomes available then please complete the form below. Thank you
First Name

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