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Choose A Fishing Guide:

Fish Ireland's Shannon Region

Plan Your own FISHING HOLIDAY ONLINE - It's all here!

This resource is designed to facilitate both domestic and tourist anglers in planning a complete fishing trip to the region. Here's what we offer

  • WHERE TO FISH - Extensive fishing guides and location maps are featured, covering Game (Salmon/Trout), Coarse/Pike and Sea Fishing, which include full description of our fisheries, regulations, species, best times to fish, specimen fish awards, fishing advice, wheelchair access, fishing fees etc.

  • WHERE TO STAY -  You can browse, check availability and book from a wide range of locally advertised accommodation providers, many of whom are specialist operators directly geared to cater for angling tourists with in-house facilities and services. You can access via our Accommodation Finder facility with local listings linked in our  fisheries guides as you browse.

  • WHO TO CONTACT - While planning your fishing trip you may require services such as boat hire, bait delivery, tackle shops, sea angling charters, a guiding service etc. You will find all these advertised online with contact particulars, accessible via our Services Finder Facility and also via our local fisheries guides. 

  • WHO'S CATCHING WHAT AND WHERE - A weekly angling reports and fisheries news service is a major feature of our website, which will help you keep up to date on what's happening around the region. All past fishing reports are archived for your reference. We publish Press Releases and our fisheries news section presents topics of regional and national interest.

  • GO SHOPPING - Amongst other products on offer in our Online Shopping Section, anglers can purchase a Salmon/Seatrout Fishing Licence or a local Fishing Permit (ticket) required for trout, coarse and pike fishing on the Board's  MIDLAND FISHERIES GROUP OF WATERS

Explore The Shannon Fisheries Region

The River Shannon is a vast waterway with a catchment area of over 7000 sq miles, consisting of over 1,600 miles of river, 40,000 hectares of still water (lakes), all offering a huge diversity of angling potential for the angler. This is a complete fisheries information resource for domestic and overseas tourist anglers interested in fishing or planning a fishing trip or holiday to the Shannon Region.

Map Guides - Quick access to Fishing Locations & Guides

The guides cover Game (Salmon & Trout), Coarse & Pike and Sea fishing. Featured also is a weekly angling reports and news service during peak season for Game, Coarse and Pike anglers. Many anglers contribute to these reports which adds significant value and makes for interesting reading. There is lots of supplementary information available also  including  info on Wheelchair access points for the physically disabled angler, a real time Weather Check, Specimen Fish Awards, an Advice Centre for visiting anglers and lots more.

Coarse angling tends be organised around 'centres' usually towns and villages, where experienced caterers specialise in looking after visitors. We describe fishing on this extensive guide around such centres and provide much additional and supplementary information which include Specimen Fish Awards, Angling Advice, Coarse Fish Species found in Ireland and angling notes etc. The guide describes hundreds of known and  'not so well known' fishing hotspots For more info CHOOSE THIS GUIDE 


This fishing guide describes the most important Salmon and Trout fishing waters in the Shannon Fisheries Region. Here you can locate such information as fishing regulations, close season, species, fishing fees, access points, angling notes, country code etc on a fishery by fishery basis. The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board directly manage several river and lake fisheries where a fishing FISHING PERMIT APPLIES . The fishing guide can be accessed via our GAME ANGLING GUIDE MAP

The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board coastal boundaries extends from Hags Head on the Co Clare Coast, and includes all of the Shannon Estuary to Limerick on the north side of the river, to Kerry head on the south side of he river. SEE MAP The region's scenic and rugged coastline offers exceptional shore angling. There are 40 shore angling marks where excellent Ballan Wrasse can be taken as well as Mackerel, Pollack, Dogfish, Bull Huss, Ling and Conger. There are many piers along our  coastline with miles of sandy beaches to tempt you. Good sign posting to the popular angling marks, will assist locating fishing spots. CHOOSE THIS GUIDE





© Shannon Regional Fisheries Board. No part of this website may be reproduced without permission of the Shannon Regional Fisheries Board.
The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board
Bord Iascaigh Réigiúnach na Sionainne
Ashbourne Business Park, Dock Road, Limerick, Rep of Ireland
Tel: 061 300238 Fax: 061 300308