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Special from CSMonitor.com Words of Wisdom for 2006 Grads
Here are some of the pearls of wisdom passed along by Stephen Colbert, Viggo Mortensen, Barack Obama, Condoleezza Rice and others.
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Words of Wisdom for 2006 Grads Every year, a variety of familiar faces deliver commencement speeches. Here are some of the pearls of wisdom passed along by Stephen Colbert, Viggo Mortensen, Barack Obama, Condoleezza Rice and others.
Yoga, Hip-Hop ... This is P.E.? Updated programs are more active and varied, but new tests, finances, training, and tradition slow their adoption.
Summer Job Forecast: Cloudy The last few summers saw some of the lowest teen employment rates in history. Here are some tips to help teens find jobs.
Students Rush to Consolidate Loans Before July 1 An impending interest hike prompts grads to lock in a lower rate.
In: Fruit Crisps and Milk. Out: Twix and Coke
Professors Want Their Classes "Unwired" Grad students are filling class time with e-mail, IM, shopping, or solitaire.
Big Night. Big Plans. Big Tab. Can the Prom be Tamed? Many schools and parents are cracking down on traditionally extravagant spending.
Cyber Bullying: The Dangers and the Cures In the 21st century bullying has become a virtual as well as physical threat due to the widespread use of instant messaging and mobile phone text messaging among the young.
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Summer Fun! Tips for travel, entertaining, and other summer fun! Plus, what's your favorite sunscreen?
Focus on: Breast Cancer One person is diagnosed with breast cancer every 3 minutes... and someone dies from it every 14 minutes. Learn more here.