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  • Embrace Your Health!Lose Weight If You Are Overweight National Institutes of Health

    Maybe you've been thinkingabout losing weight for some time now. Perhaps you have even tried to lose weight before. Reading this brochure shows you have the motivation to get started again. Follow the steps below to help you form good habits to keep you going until you reach your goal weight.

    Why should an overweight person lose weight?

    Losing weight helps you feel better and makes it easier to be more active. Losing weight is not easy but take the challenge. You can do it!

    If you are overweight, here are some other good reasons to lose weight.

    • Your blood cholesterol levels may improve.
    • Your blood pressure levels may go down.
    • Your blood sugar level may be bettecontrolled

    Even if you don't have health problems due to being overweight, a healthy weight can help you lower your risk of heart disease.Want to read more articles about Lose Weight, please visit Nhlbi.

    Lose Weight If You Are Overweight

    This publication is part of a set of booklets, Improving Cardiovascular Health in African Americans--Package of Seven Easy-To-Read Booklets. These booklets are designed to help you reduce your chances of having a heart attack or stroke. The set includes the following titles: Stay Physically Active--Energize Yourself; Eat Less Salt and Sodium--Spice Up Your Life; Lose Weight If You Are Overweight--Embrace Good Health; Prevent High Blood Pressure--Protect Your Heart; Learn Your Cholesterol Number--Empower Yourself; Eat Foods Lower in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol--Be Heart Smart; and Stop Smoking--Refresh Yourself. Publication No.

    Want to read more articles about Lose Weight, please visit Nhlbi

    weight loss - free information on losing weight

    When you think of weight loss and losing weight, the first things that probably come to your mind are either those ;lose weight fast !!; articles that are in every magazine and newspaper in the world that usually never work and are writen by some;personal training idiot; that has no idea what their talking about... or maybe your thinking of all of those weight loss pills that claim to be safe and allow you to;eat whatever you want and still lose weight because the pill will do all the of the work for you; or whatever stupid line they are using to get you to buy their useless unsafe weight loss product. Or, maybe your thinking of rice cakes and never eating and being hungry all day long.

    What I am about to give you is totally FREE, detailed, easy to understand information on weight loss and losing weight and how to lose weight and fat without using any type of pill or supplement, without using some;fitness magazine; diet, and by eating not 1, not 2, not 3, but 5 meals a day! Sound impossible? Sound too good to be true? Sound like I'm going to make you buy my ;book; or order my ;product; first before I tell you? Well I'm not! I don't have a book and I don't a have product. I am not trying to sell you a damn thing! What I am trying to do, no... what I am GOING to do, is tell you exactly how you can lose weight. Enjoy

    Want to read more articles about Lose Weight, please visit Intense Workou

    Lose weight with water

    'Must drink more water, must drink;' We all know that the wet stuff is essential for life - but did you know it can help you lose weight?

    ater keeps us cool, lubricates our joints and flushes toxins from our bodies, but admit it, how many of us really drink the recommended two litres a day? For those of us who do struggle to drink enough, the great news is that water actually can help you in the battle against the bulge.

    Now for the science bitYour metabolism is the bio-mechanical process that breaks food down and turns it into energy. In a nutshell, it consumes calories. Since metabolism is your best ally in the frontline against weight, you want it to be working at full speed. Water is the fuel that drives metabolism's chemical reactions. So, if you're not drinking enough, you won't burn as many calories as you can. Simple.

    Running on empty?

    If you're not drinking enough water - at least 2 litres a day - here's how your body is being affected:

  • Your weight loss will slow right down. This is because about 2.5 litres of water is naturally lost through daily bodily functions such as going to the loo and sweating. If you don't replenish this water you'll soon become dehydrated, and your metabolism will be among the first to shut down. So, if you're dieting and you can't seem to shift the weight, perhaps it's because you aren't drinking enough water.
  • Your digestion will suffer. Water is essential for digestion and elimination. Poor digestion means you won't be absorbing the goodness from your food. Your body in turn will send up signals (read: cravings) for food that has minerals your body lacks.
  • You won't get the full benefit of exercise. Your metabolism increases with exercise, and as we mentioned earlier, water is essential to maximise your metabolism. Drink plenty of water before, during and after your workout.

    Mine's a pint (or five)? How much H2O should you drink? The British Dietetic Association suggests adults drink 2.5 litres (that's a little over five pints) of fluids a day, which can include fruit juices, squash and weak tea and coffee. This amount is recommended for maintaining your daily fluid requirements. If your aim is to lose weight, add another 750ml to that and you'll aid your metabolism and help create new muscle weight.

    Want to read more articles about Lose Weight, please visit Ivillage.

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    Working with Your Doctor to Overcome Overweight and Obesity

    overcomeo verweight obesityTalk to your doctor about healthy eating and physical activities that can help you lose weight, improve your fitness, and decrease the chances of developing heart disease, high blood pressure, or type 2 diabetes. Be sure to set realistic goals. Small changes can make a surprising difference in your health. Your doctor can offer practical suggestions that do not require a complete overhaul of your current way of life. In some cases, your physician may refer you to a nutrition specialist, such as a registered dietitian, for in-depth counseling about food choices. You may want to start the conversation by asking a few questions of your own. For example:
    1. Ask your doctor for any educational brochures on topics such as eating habits, counting calories, or physical activity.
    2. Request to have your BMI measured and ask your doctor what it means with regard to your health status.
    3. Have your waist circumference measured and discuss the significance of the measurement with your doctor
    4. Be prepared to describe your current diet and activity level and what changes might promote better health
    5. Think about how much change you're willing to make before you visit your doctor
    6. Ask if specialists are available on your health plan and in your area, such as dietitians or physical trainers.Want to read more articles about Lose Weight, please visit Familydocr.

    Appetite-damping hormone makes animals lose weight

    Appetite damping hormone make lose weightWASHINGTON, Nov 10 (Reuters) - Doses of a newly discovered hormone made laboratory animals eat half what they normally would, and cut their body weight by 20 percent in just eight days, scientists reported on Thursday in the journal Science.

    Whether the hormone will have similar effects on humans remains to be seen. It is also unclear whether the weight loss in lab rodents represents a decrease in fat mass, which would be desirable, or muscle mass, which would not be.

    But the researchers who isolated the hormone, called obestatin, believe it could someday help people lose weight.

    ;Obestatin could have potential as an appetite suppressing drug because one can use this ... by injection,; said Aaron Hsueh of the Stanford University School of Medicine in a telephone news conference.;The other advantage is it could even be possible to use nasal administration of obestatin.;

    This hormone is among at least three known to influence appetite. None has yielded a treatment for obesity, a growing problem in the developed world and especially in the United States, where 65 percent of the adult population is estimated to be either overweight or obese.

    Researchers said they were surprised to find obestatin was related to the so-called hunger hormone, ghrelin, which stimulates appetite. Another appetite-suppressor,leptin, was discovered in 1994.

    Injections of leptin made lab rats lose weight, but had no effect on humans,researchers found.

    The close relation between obestatin and ghrelin could clear up confusion about how appetite-regulating hormones work.

    Any use of obestatin for weight loss in humans is a long way off, because so much remains unknown about the effects of the hormone.

    For example, another researcher, Matthias Tschop, noted that the dramatic losses of appetite and body weight were seen in normal laboratory animals, not obese ones.Want to read more articles about Lose Weight, please visit Alertnet

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    Lose Weight Fast and Forever

    The Diet Forum provides a variety of articles to help you lose weight. We also provide low carbohydrate recipes, fast weight loss programs and personal diet plans and diet tips for preparing a quick weight loss plan. Read our diet tips below on how to lose weight, increase metabolism and plan healthy diets.

    Get your personal diet plan with low fat recipes and lose up to 2 pounds each week. Click here to learn more about how to lose weight fast.

    Have you tried every possible way to lose weight without much success? Don't feel bad, you're not alone. Contrary to popular belief, weight loss, especially fast weight loss does not happen overnight and there's no magic formula or pill that will make you lose weight. Learn how to lose weight through a sensible diet plan. Click Don't Give Up to learn more.

    Have you ever been angry or depressed and found yourself eating everything in sight? Losing weight, especially fast weight loss, can be difficult at times because we are emotional creatures. Learn how to go for quick weight loss by learning how to deal with foods of low carbohydrate recipes, when you're emotionally distressed. Click on Emotional Eating

    Great information to lose weight from our newsletters. You'll get easy to read tips and strategies to lose weight and keep it off. We update This Week's Diet Tips; every Wednesday morning, so check back often. Get the information you need to plan healthy diets and lose weight safely. Click on This Week's Diet Tips.
    Discover seven easy, drug free diet tips to increase metabolism. Eating more often not less is the way to lose weight.Want to read more articles about Lose Weight, please visit Dietforum

    Obesity and Children: Helping Your Child Lose Weight

    obesity and children: helping your child lose weightIf my child is heavy now, will he or she always have a weight problem? Not all heavy children have weight problems as adults. However, as children get older, their risk for staying overweight goes up. The risk is even higher if one or both parents also are overweight. It's important to catch weight problems early.

    Could my child's weight problem be caused by hormones?

    Most overweight children don't have a hormone imbalance. Children with a hormone imbalance grow slower than other children. They often have other symptoms, too, like tiredness, constipation or dry skin. If your child has these symptoms, talk with your doctor.

    How can I help my child lose weight?

    The best way to lose weight is to eat healthier and to exercise more. As a parent, you can help your child do both. Talk to your doctor about the best ways for your child to lose weight. Be patient--it may take a long time. Don't limit how much food your child can eat--instead, offer food that is healthier. At the same time, don't focus too much on his or her weight. Make sure you praise your child for his or her strengths. This builds self-esteem.Want to read more articles about Lose Weight please visit, Familydoctor

    Lose weight, enjoy a better sex life: study

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia (Reuters) - Obese women who start to lose weight will also see an improvement in the quality of their sex lives, according to a U.S. study released Monday.

    Even a moderate weight loss reduced complaints of feeling sexually unattractive and led to improved desire, according to the study presented at the annual meeting of The North American Association for the Study of Obesity (NAASO) in Vancouver.

    ;If people experience benefits and rewards from their weight loss and health efforts, it may motivate them to continue a healthy lifestyle, said Martin Binks, director of behavioral health at the Duke Diet and Fitness Center in Durham, North Carolina.

    Researchers who tracked 161 obese women participating in a prescription weight loss program in Minnesota found almost two-thirds reported problems with aspects of their sex life when the study began.

    Within the first year, the percentage of women who said they had problems with sexual desire dropped to 15 percent from 39 percent and the number who felt they were sexually unattractive dropped to 26 percent from 68 percent.

    The Minnesota weight loss program lasted for two years, but health officials said it was normal for the majority ofthe weight loss to be in the first year. The researchers said they found similar results in a survey of 26 obese men in the Minnesota weight-loss program, but cautioned that the small number of male participants made it difficult to draw conclusions from that data.

    Health officials say there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in North America in the past two decades, and 64 percent of adults in the United States are considered to be overweight or obese.Want to read more articles about Lose Weight, please visit News Yahoo

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    How to lose weight the healthy way

    Exercise more

    The healthiest way to lose weight is neither crash diets and fad diets nor sudden bursts of exercise. The body likes slow changes in terms of food and exercise. For example, someone who has not exercised for years should not rush into running three miles every day. Exercise needs to be increased slowly.

    People who eat a lot will experience problems if they suddenly start starving themselves. Introduce changes gradually. Even relatively light exercise such as a short walk may be beneficial if done frequently. The calories you eat minus what you use in exercise and maintaining your body will be stored as fat.

    Someone that increases the amount they exercise, but maintains the same diet and calorie intake, will almost certainly lose weight.How to exercise in a fun way

    Thankfully we are all different in our likes and dislikes and, therefore, exercise in a variety of ways. It is essential that you find an activity that is enjoyable, appropriate, accessible and affordable for you. That way you are far more likely to build it into your routine and continue regular exercise, despite the inevitable set backs due to illness, family commitments, etc.For people who do not like sweating in a fitness studio there are fun alternatives.

    • When going to the local park, nature trails or trips to the seaside, try to incorporate longer walks into the outing and take a picnic so you are in control of what you are going to eat that day.
    • Always use the stairs instead of the lift. Bear in mind that every single step helps.
    • Get off the bus a stop before the usual one and walk the rest of the way.
    • Use commercial breaks between TV-programmes to stand up and do exercise, or consider using an exercise bicycle in your living room while watching your favourite programme. Use commercial breaks between TV-programmes to stand up and do exercise, or consider using an exercise bicycle in your living room while watching your favourite programme.Want to read more articles about Lose Weight, please visit Netdoctor
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    Superfoods can help you lose weight, prevent heart disease

    There are a number of foods that can help consumers lose weight and reduce the risk of heart disease. Among these foods are apple wedges with peanut butter, Mediterranean vegetables, steamed salmon, and rainbow fruit salad with walnuts. Even modest weight losses can make a significant contribution to improving heart health. The writers at offer many superfood suggestions: Canola, olive and peanut oil lowers LDL cholesterol and raises HDL cholesterol. Oily fish are a good source of protein, and contain omega-3 fatty acids. Oats keep weight in check by being low-calorie and very filling. Nuts are high in ;good fats; and contain vitamin E. Fruits and vegetables contain powerful antioxidants (see related ebook on antioxidants). Soy foods help decrease LDL cholesterol. If you enjoy this article, you may also be interested in an article entitled 'The Palm Springs Diet Promises to Help You Lose Weight, Believe it or not, these are just some of the foods that can help you lose weight and protect against heart disease. Being overweight increases heart disease risk, causing the heart to work harder as it compensates for extra body mass. But it also has a negative influence on the other major risk factors of heart disease -- raising levels of LDL (;bad;) cholesterol while reducing levels of HDL (;good;) cholesterol, boosting levels of triglycerides, elevating blood pressure and increasing the risk of diabetes. A modest weight loss of 5 to 15 percent of body weight (that's as little as 7 1/2 pounds if you weigh 150 pounds) can go a long way to improve your heart health by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels and improving blood sugars.

    Monounsaturated fat, the primary fat in olive oil, canola oil, nuts and avocados, actually helps lower triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, while it increases HDL cholesterol.Want to read more articles about Lose Weight, please visit Newstarget

    Are you a weight loss / diet pills / liposuction junkie?

    are you a weight loss diet pills liposuction junkieIt seems that everybody wants to lose weight. But when most people say they want to lose weight, what they really mean is they want to lose weight without altering their current lifestyle. They want to lose weight without changing the foods that they eat, or without getting up off the couch, turning off the television, and engaging in regular physical exercise. Not surprisingly, there is a huge market that offers shortcuts to weight loss through cosmetic surgery, diet pills, nutritional supplements, and various diets -- such as the Atkins Diet.

    There's a growing group of people who leap from one weight loss fad to another, in search of the one thing that's going to finally help them lose weight without having to alter the foods they eat. People don't want to give up their soft drinks; they don't want to give up pizza, and ice cream, and fast food. And they sure don't have time to go out and exercise on a regular basis. So the shortcuts market is absolutely astounding -- $9.4 billion was spent last year on cosmetic surgery alone, and hundreds of millions more were spent on weight loss pills, fat burning nutritional supplements, and low-carb foods. It's a tremendous market, and the public seems to be more than willing to keep spending money on these items, even though the real answers are to be found in something entirely different.

    The reality of weight loss is that there are no shortcuts! You can have cosmetic surgery to remove fat from your thighs, or the back of your arms, but if you continue eating the way you've been eating, your body will just deposit the fat somewhere else on your body -- usually in a place that looks even stranger than when it was on your hips. Even if the cosmetic surgery works out for you, it doesn't alter your blood chemistry, your cardiovascular health, or your level of physical fitness. Meaning that you are just as unhealthy after the surgery as you were before, even though you may physically show less body fat. Something similar is true with foods as well. Many people continue to eat a diet high in refined carbohydrates, added sugars, and obesity-promoting ingredients, such as high-fructose corn syrup. Then in an attempt to lose weight, they will take a couple of weight loss pills each day, and hope that those pills will some how counteract the entire day of eating unhealthy, obesity-promoting foods. It just doesn't work this way.Want to read more articles about Lose Weight, please visit Newstarge.

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    Running to lose weight

    running to lose weightThis section is for people who are starting running to lose weight. There is also an annex for anoraks explaining some of these principles at greater length.

    Ten principles of weight loss and running

    1. To lose fat, you need to eat fewer calories or burn more energy
      Your body stores the excess calories that you consume as body fat. So if you want to reduce your body fat, you need either to consume fewer calories, or burn more energy. Any weight-loss programme is only going to succeed if it delivers one or both of these.
    2. Don't diet: run instead.Dieting will reduce your muscle and water content as well as your body fat. It is difficult to keep up a diet, because you continually have to fight temptation. Limiting what you eat can also be unhealthy. Exercise, by contrast, will burn calories, increase your lean muscle and body tone, and raise your metabolic rate. If you increase you exercise, you can continue to eat enough to make you feel satisfied, and get a wide range of vitamins and minerals, without putting on weight. It will improve your appearance, reduce stress, and improve your health.
    3. Don't begin a diet and start to run at the same time It is a bad idea to begin a diet and start to run at the same time. When you are a runner your body needs plenty of fuel and a wide range of vitamins and nutrients. If you begin a diet at the same time as you start to run, you may find you do not have enough energy or other nutrients to run, and you will risk illness or injury. You may want to rebalance the composition of your diet (see below) but do not try to restrict your food intake when you start running.
    4. To lose more body fat, exercise more
      To estimate the amount of calories you need, first multiply your weight in kilograms by 33. This gives you your calorie requirement for a moderately active person who does not exercise. On top of that, to walk, jog or run a mile uses about 100 calories. (It doesn't matter how fast you do it: the energy used is about the same.) From this, you can calculate the amount of calories you should consume each day to reduce your body fat. Never cut your calorie intake to below 80% of your calorie requirement. Running regularly also increases your resting metabolic rate, and increases your percentage of lean muscle, so increasing your energy consumption throughout the day. Over time, for every extra 6 miles a week you run, your equilibrium body weight will settle at about 1kg lighter.
    5. Drink plenty of water Drinking more water will help your running, your health and your complexion. It will also make your stomach feel more full, and so reduce any tendency you might have to snack. Don't try to lose weight by losing water (eg running in a track suit to make you sweat more.) The weight loss from dehydration will be purely temporary, and the dehydration will make it more difficult for you to exercise as hard or as long, so you will end up burning fewer calories. Dehydration can make you very ill, and in extreme cases may be fatal.

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    Lose Weight and Use Up Global Resources!

    For decades, such headlines were fixtures of supermarket checkout lanes, to be taken no more seriously than claims of alien abduction. But times have changed. High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets have become wildly popular because they help adherents lose dozens of pounds without having to gnaw on rice cakes.

    It seems too good to be true, and some critics say it is. The debate over the long-term health effects of Atkins and similar weight-loss plans might grind on for years with no satisfactory conclusion. But whenever we're faced with a fast-growing trend on this shrinking planet, scientists should look beyond human health to weigh other ecological consequences as well. That's what we decided to do for Atkins-style diets.

    We started with the Worldwatch Institute's estimate that 1 billion of Earth's inhabitants are overweight and assumed that on average they eat 56 grams of animal protein a day. That is the average in Western countries, and most overweight people eat Western diets.

    If all of those people went on an Atkins-style diet, their requirement for animal protein would rise to about 100 grams. A billion dieters each eating an extra 44 grams could not easily be satisfied by giving them a bigger share of current animal protein production. As it is, humans worldwide average only 28 grams per day. Instead, by our calculations, the meat, dairy, poultry and seafood industries would have to increase output by 25 percent.

    The dieters would no longer get much of their protein from plant sources (grains being too heavily ;polluted; with carbohydrates), so less cropland would be required for that. Still, the net result of their big switch to animal protein would require almost 250 million more acres for corn, soybeans and other feed grains. That's because feeding grain to animals and then eating the meat, milk, eggs or farm-raised fish is much less efficient than eating plant products directly. Want to read more articles about Lose Weight, please visit Alternet.

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    How can I lose weight safely while breastfeeding?

    How can I lose weight safely while breastfeedingIt is safer for you to wait at least two months postpartum to purposely lose weight, as your body needs this time to recover from childbirth and establish a good milk supply. Many mothers lose weight in the early months by following a normal diet and eating to hunger. If you have stopped losing weight or are gaining weight after the first two months, check with your doctor about increasing your activity level and reducing your intake by about 100 calories per day. A daily brisk half-hour walk with your children in a stroller or sling will help you lose weight plus get you outside for fresh air.

    Gradual weight loss of about one pound per week, while consuming about 1500 to 1800 calories per day, will help you to feel good and have the energy you need to care for your baby. The composition of your milk really does not vary much with your diet. (Mothers in famine conditions can produce milk that is nutritionally perfect for their babies.) However, your health may suffer if too many of your own reserves are used to provide milk. It takes a lot of energy to care for your baby so be sure to take care of yourself by ;eating to hunger; and;drinking to thirst.

    Anyone who wants to start a weight loss program should consult with their physician to rule out any health problems that would contraindicate the diet or exercise.

    Two books that contain practical information on postpartum weight loss and exercise are THE WOMANLY ART OF BREASTFEEDING (;Nutritional Know How; chapter) and Eat Well, Lose Weight While Breastfeeding, by Eileen Behan, RD. In addition, Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, by Christiane Northrup includes two chapters on changing your diet gradually and incorporating exercise into your life.Want to read more articles about Lose Weight, please visit Lalecheleague.

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