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Founding Member
of the United Way


Save a life - Learn CPR!
CPR is a vital skill. Find a CPR
class in your area.

Location and directions

Cleaning up after a flood - specific guidelines help to ensure the health of your home


Prepared for A Local Disaster?
Do you have a plan for your pet?

Questions about the avian flu?
Visit the Center for Disease Control for all the info you'll need to prepare for the possibility

What's Really the Biggest Threat to Your Home? If you said fire, you're right...

Ram's Head Live Concerts to Benefit the Red Cross Including James Brown, Pat Benatar, Delbert McClinton

Assisted Living Training
[also, Nurse Assitant Training]

How are we doing?
Let us know what you're thinking about the Red Cross and whether you think we can do better.

Teach CPR and First Aid with AED
(Automated External Defibrillator)

Learn Pet First Aid--take a class or
Buy Pet First Aid book used in class

CPR/AED Training Saves Lives

Need to Donate Your Car?
Car donation program helps the Red Cross pay for local disaster relief. Donate your car online...

Automated Defibrillators Work!
Automated external difibrillators and CPR training are proven to save lives

CPR + AED Training Save Lives!
Chance of surviving without CPR training
decreases 10% with every minute delay.

Do You Know How Good
it Feels to Volunteer?
Volunteer Maryland
with your
local Red Cross.

Give blood...give another chance.

Register for disaster newsletter:


Help us

This fitted t- shirt makes a dramatic statement
by showing your support
for our Measles Initiative!

Click on picture to order.

Buy a measles initiative tee


Always there
when you need us most.


Sign Up to Save the Day
Find out how you can help Save the Day by sponsoring Red Cross assistance for a full day or more...

Look who's already on board

Learn CPR and AED training