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Ten Steps To A Well Optimized Website - Step 2: Content Creation
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Dave Davies
Welcome to part two in this search engine optimization series. In part one we covered the importance and tactics for choosing the keywords and keyword phrases that will provide the highest ROI for your optimization efforts. In part two we will...

The 3 Best Website Traffic Sources
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Jim Edwards
Not a day goes by that any serious website owner doesn't wonder how to get more traffic to their site. This intense desire to generate more clicks makes virtually any online entrepreneur easy prey to many of the traffic schemes and scams that...

The 8 Biggest Rehabbing Mistakes - Part 2
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Sal Vannutini
In the second part of The 8 Biggest Rehabbing mistakes we look at three more areas that can swallow up your profits in no time. BIG MISTAKE #6: YOU PAY TOO MUCH WHEN YOU BUY You make your profit when you buy. Pure and simple! I will always...

The History of Steeplechase Horse Racing
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Toby Beavers
The sport of Steeplechase racing dates back to 1752 in Ireland when two, half-crocked, friends settled the argument over who owned the best horse by racing to the nearest Church steeple after returning from Fox hunting. The winner actually rode...

The Importance of Web Traffic
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Hans Hasselfors
If you have a website then you already know the importance of web traffic. Web traffic is to Internet marketing as location is to real estate. It's the only thing that really matters. If you cannot generate targeted visitors to your site, you...

The Metaphors of the Net
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Sam Vaknin
I. The Genetic Blueprint A decade after the invention of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee is promoting the "Semantic Web". The Internet hitherto is a repository of digital content. It has a rudimentary inventory system and very crude data...

The Morphing of Thought and Cash
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Bill Marshall
Here are some thoughts about the morphing of thought and cash. What do I mean by morphing? I mean the transformation of something from one form to another. If you have seen movies like TERMINATOR 2, X MEN, or MATRIX, you have an idea of what...

The Myth of Search Engine Submission
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Mario Sanchez
Contrary to what most people think, it is not necessary to submit your site to the search engines. In the early days of the web, when search engine technology was still primitive and search engines' ability to crawl the web was somehow limited,...

The Number One Tried and Tested Method For Exploding Your Ezine Subscriptions
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Tracey Meagher
We all know how cagey and stubborn prospects can be and we know that only a tiny percentage will buy our products the first time they see them. We all know that the only way to convince savvy prospects to buy is by building trust with them and...

The Power Of Viral Marketing
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : David Bell
You certainly know by now that the term "viral marketing" is not just another dot-com cliché. Quite the contrary, it describes the incredible, unmatched power of the Web to promote your business by marrying email to the traditional concept of...

The Principal Facts of an Interest-Only Mortgage
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Tanu Javeri
You are buying the house of your dreams with an interest-only mortgage. You'll get a low mortgage payment, and you'll maximize your tax deduction, all on your current income! Everything seems to be going good. But have you really understood the...

The Road to Better Results
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Shawn Campbell
A lot has changed in the way sites are optimized for search engines since last year. For one thing, Google is not the only search engine worth looking into anymore; Yahoo has definitely managed to take away some of Google’s oomph over the past...

The Search Engine Showdown
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Courtney Heard
If you're anything like me, you have a favourite search engine and you're loyal to it. You never use any others (which made this research difficult for yours truly), insist yours is the be-all and end-all and you even go so far as to deny any...

The Top 20 Web Mistakes Small Businesses Make
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Karl Groves
My parents made a monster. Little did they know 30 years ago that they would get exactly what they wished for. Like W.W. Jacobs' tale of "The Monkey's Paw", they got what they wanted, for better and maybe even for worse. See, my...

Tomatoes: History, Origin, Facts... or fiction!?
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Kirk Gordon
What is a tomato? You probably think it's a vegetable, right? As do most people. However, tomatoes are in fact not a vegetable, but rather, a fruit. In 1883 the United States Congress passed a tariff act requiring a 10% tax on imported...

Top 10+ Ways to Jumpstart your New Year's Finances!
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Cindy Morus
Of course, these don't have to be done in any particular order! Just pick one or two that particularly apply to your situation. Create your 2004 filing system. This might include new file folders, a new box to hold them or space in a...

Understanding Bridging Finance
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Commercial Lifeline
Bridging finance, also referred to as "bridge loans" and "bridging loans", have nothing at all to do with re-constructing the London Bridge. Bridging finance is typically a short-term loan that a business uses to supply cash for a real estate...

Website Imperatives and Solutions
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Richard Keir
When you take a look at the most visited sites on the internet, what hits you in the face? Change, growth, new content. In a sense, a search engine is the perfect web site. By it's very nature, it grows and changes continuously and moment by...

Website Promotion: 10 Search Engine Optimization Blunders to Avoid
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Michael Murray
If you want to develop a successful search engine optimization (SEO) strategy, go out of your way to avoid blunders that limit search engine rankings. Here are 10 to keep in mind: 1. Don't use frames. Why would you want to use frames if SEO is...

Website Promotional Consideration
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Michael J Medeiros
Promoting a Website is becoming tough. For many, problems are seen at the beginning, when attempting to register a domain name. Once a satisfactory domain name is acquired, the site is lost within a see of competition. Time and money is required...

What To Look For In A Real Estate Agent
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Tom Levine
Real Estate Agents play an essential, critical role in the process of buying and selling a home. You just simply cannot afford to work with an agent that does not exhibit top-scale professional values. We’re talking about your primary investment,...

What is Bridging Finance?
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Commercial Lifeline
Once you understand what the term, “Bridging Finance” means, it’s easy to understand how it got its name. The purpose of a bridging or bridge loan is to provide short term cash for a real estate transaction until permanent financing is secured. ...

What's The Customer Service Buzz About Your Business?
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Tim Knox
If you're a regular reader of my column you know that my number one pet peeve is bad customer service. Nothing chaps my backside more than paying hard-earned money for a product or service only to have the provider of said product or service...

When And How To Prune Roses
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : David G. Hallstrom
The following article was written by David G. Hallstrom for and originally published by National Realtors When And How To Prune Roses Rose bushes that are not pruned can grow into large tangled messes with small and inferior blooms....

Why Americans Find Predatory Lending Offensive
Publish Date : 1/11/2006 6:11:16 PM   Source : Timothy Blake
"Menis - the author translates as "indignant rage" - It is the kind of rage arising from social betrayal that impairs a person's dignity through violation of "what's right." (p21), Achilles In Viet Nam - Combat Trauma and the Undoing of...

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