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Resource About Education Colleges, State University, High School, Correspondence School, College Admissions Process, Graduate Program Etc Intro.

Resource About Education


Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- a coeducational, privately endowed research
massachusetts institute of technologyuniversity -- is dedicated to advancing knowledge and educating students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century. The Institute has more than 900 faculty and 10,000 undergraduate and graduate students. It is organized into five Schools -- Architecture and Planning, Engineering, Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, Management, and Science -- and the Whitaker College of Health Sciences and Technology. Within these are twenty-seven degree-granting departments, programs, and divisions. In addition, a great deal of research and teaching takes place in interdisciplinary programs, laboratories, and centers whose work extends beyond traditional departmental boundaries. The board of trustees, known as the Corporation, consists of about 75 national and international leaders in higher education, business and industry, science, engineering and other professions. Forty-seven alumni, faculty, researchers and staff have won Nobel Prizes.

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University of Michigan Medical School

The Medical School has been recognized nationally as a premiere site for state-of-the-art research activities, innovative medical education and pioneering clinical care since its inception in 1848. The first professional school at the University of Michigan, the Medical School, admitted its first class of 91 students in 1850 and has awarded almost 18,000 M.D. degrees in the past 150 years as well as educating thousands of residents and biomedical researchers.

The Medical School has 25 academic departments, 19 clinical and 6 basic science, as well as the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine and Department of Medical Education. Teaching, research and clinical care often cross traditional departmental boundaries, particularly in the School’s impressive community of interdisciplinary research centers and institutes. The proximity and close relationship between the University Hospitals and the Medical School has fostered opportunities for collaboration between clinicians and basic scientists for more than 100 years.

Physician Referral Service

(1-800-211-8181) Our knowledgeable, trained referral representatives will direct you to a doctor or service suited to your needs and assist you in arranging your first appointment. The service is open from 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET, Monday-Friday and can be reached by calling the toll-free number above. For urgent appointments, please call us at our toll-free number rather than reaching us online.

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Utah State University

Utah State University is a place of inspiration, a place where the person you are meets the person you will become. It is a utah state universityuniversity where teaching is fundamental, where academics come first, and where professors are still the touchstone for every student. Our students and faculty receive national recognition for their work as noted repeatedly in publications such as The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Chronicle of Higher Education and USA Today. In the past four years, Utah State has improved the quality of its students, increased retention rates and, for the past two years, admitted its best prepared freshman class ever. Utah State University can count four Goldwater Scholars and a Rhodes Scholar among our graduates in the past four years. This is only a hint of the success to come.

Utah State University, through Continuing Education, offers Bachelors degrees to students located at off-campus sites. These degrees have the same admission standards as any degree offered on campus. A variety of delivery methods are used to deliver degrees off-campus. In addition to the programs offered state wide, many off-campus sites offer degrees, classes and certificates at individual education centers or Branch Campuses.

Utah State University Continuing Education offers a wide variety of Master’s degrees to off campus students. Several of the Master’s degrees are ranked among the top fifty by the U.S. News and World Report, All degrees meet the same admission and graduation requirements of any master’s degree offered on the Logan Campus.

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Manhattan Christian College

In 1927 the college was founded as a four-year undergraduate institution of higher education named Christian Workers University. The campus is located in the center of Manhattan, Kansas, a community of approximately 40,000 in the Kaw Valley and Flint Hills just north of Interstate Highway 70 between Salina and Topeka. The proximity of Manhattan Christian College (MCC) to Kansas State University (KSU) provides students with unique educational opportunities as well as a combination of evangelistic, cultural, and recreational activities. The name of the college was changed to Manhattan Bible College in 1930. A certificate of Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation changed the name to Manhattan Christian College on July 1, 1971.

Admission Requirements
Early application for admission is advantageous both to the student and to the college. Students who intend to enroll in Manhattan Christian College should take the following steps to assure prompt action on their applications. Manhattan Christian College requires an application, three references, high school transcript, and incoming students must take either the ACT or the SAT. MCC requires a minimum score of 18 on the ACT (860 SAT - combined verbal and math) and a 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) cumulative high school GPA. The average ACT score for incoming freshmen (2002) was 23, and students averaged a 3.28 GPA. MCC does not require a college prep curriculum.

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Oregon Community Colleges Distance Learning

For over two decades, Oregon community colleges have worked together to expand access to education for Oregonians through distance learning.

Today, courses are delivered using a variety of technologies including online, interactive television, videotape, and cable television. Many courses combine technologies to enhance the student's learning experience.

Students may obtain their Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer (AAOT) degree by distance education; check with your local community college Advising/Counseling department for AAOT degree requirements. Other degrees and certificates are available also. Most credits will transfer to other community colleges and four-year institutions.

Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer Degree
Students earning an Associate of Arts degree from a community college will have earned credit or demonstrated proficiency in the requirements listed for that college. The Oregon University System schools will accept this degree as meeting institutional lower division, general education requirements, but not necessarily school, department, or major requirements with regard to course or grade point average

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Northern Illinois University

Study Abroad Fair
NIU encourages students from all majors and fields of interest to receive part of their education in an international northern illinois universityenvironment. The purpose of the Study Abroad Office is to provide university-wide support for study abroad and exchange programs by maintaining information, advising, assisting with the development and implementation of programs, and facilitating opportunities for collaboration with other institutions or with other sources of financial support.

Our study abroad advisers help undergraduate and graduate students select study abroad programs appropriate for their academic needs, personal interests, and professional goals. Students who plan to study abroad must meet with one of our advisers, in addition to their academic adviser before they go abroad. Study abroad advisers also help students determine the transferability of credit work completed overseas.

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Kentridge High School

Kentridge High School is located on a 43 acre site approximately 18 miles Southeast of Seattle in unincorporated King County. Dating back to 1968, us high school serves students in grades 9 through 12 who live in the Northeastern part of the Kent School District.

All students will meet basic grade level and subject standards.
All students will demonstrate positive interpersonal and workplace skills.
All students will complete future graduation requirements, number of credits of study, senior project, post high school transition, and standards assessments

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Private vs. Public Schools: What's the Difference?

Public schools cannot charge tuition. They are funded through federal, state and local taxes. When you pay your taxes, you are paying for your child's education and the education of other children in your community.
Private schools cost money. Private schools do not receive tax revenues, but instead are funded through tuition, fundraising, donations and private grants. According to the National Association of Independent Schools, the median tuition for private day schools in the United States is close to $12,000 for grades 1 to 3, $13,000 for grades 6 to 8 and $15,000 for grades 9 to 12. The median tuition for boarding schools is $12,000 for grades 1 to 3, $27,000 for grades 6 to 9, and $28,000 for grades 9 to 12. Parochial schools generally charge somewhat less.

Public schools: All teachers in a public school are usually state certified or, at a minimum, working toward certification. Certification ensures that a teacher has gone through the training required by the state, which includes student teaching and coursework.
Private schools: Teachers in private schools may not be required to have certification, and instead often have subject area expertise and an undergraduate or graduate degree in the subject they teach...

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Correspondence School

Professional Career Development Institute
Professional Career Development Institute is a nationally accredited correspondence school founded in 1987. Hundreds of thousands of people, from the U.S. and more than 100 countries across the globe, have enrolled in our nationally accredited distance education programs. In the comfort and convenience of your home, you'll receive professional-level instruction designed to help prepare you to enjoy a more exciting career, finish high school, or earn your associate's degree...

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About Cornell University

Once called "the first American university" by the educational historian Frederick Rudolph, Cornell University represents a distinctive mix of eminent scholarship and democratic ideals. Adding practical subjects to the classics and admitting qualified students regardless of nationality, race, social circumstance, gender, religion or who graduated from a grade school was quite a departure when Cornell was founded in 1865.

Today's Cornell reflects this heritage of egalitarian excellence. It is home to the nation's first universities devoted to hotel administration, industrial and labor relations, and veterinary medicine. Both a private school and the land-grant institution of New York State, Cornell University is the most educationally diverse member of the Ivy League.

On the Ithaca campus alone nearly 20,000 students representing every state and 120 countries choose from among 4,000 courses in 11 undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools. Many undergraduates participate in a wide range of interdisciplinary programs, play meaningful roles in original research, and study in Cornell programs in Washington, New York City, and study abroad.

In his first inaugural address, at the Weill Cornell Medical College campus in Qatar in October 2004, Jeffrey Lehman, the first Cornell alumnus to become its president, articulated a vision projecting Cornell as "the transnational university of the future."

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The Early History of Harvard University

Harvard University, which celebrated its 350th anniversary in 1986, is the oldest institution of higher education and the excellent MBA school in the United States. Founded 16 years after the arrival of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, the University has grown from nine students with a single master to an enrollment of more than 18,000 degree candidates, including undergraduates and students in 10 principal academic units. An additional 13,000 students are enrolled in one or more courses in the Harvard Extension School. Over 14,000 people work at Harvard, including more than 2,000 faculty. There are also 7,000 faculty appointments in affiliated teaching hospitals.

Seven presidents of the United States, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Rutherford B. Hayes, John Fitzgerald Kennedy and George W. Bush were graduates of Harvard. Its faculty have produced 40 Nobel laureates.

On June 9, 1650, the Great and General Court of Massachusetts approved Harvard President Henry Dunster's charter of incorporation. The Charter of 1650 established the President and Fellows of Harvard College (a.k.a the Harvard Corporation), a seven-member board that is the oldest corporation in the Western Hemisphere.
Harvard College was established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and was named for its first benefactor, John Harvard of Charlestown, a young minister who, upon his death in 1638, left his library and half his estate to the new institution. Harvard's first scholarship fund was created in 1643 with a gift from Ann Radcliffe, Lady Mowlson.

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Cambridge University Introduction

The University has been involved over many years in the development of numerous projects cambridge university introductionranging from lifelong learning opportunties to students volunteering in the local community. Some projects have involved creating opportunities for direct contact with university staff and students in Cambridge, while others have involved the creation of web-based resources.

Many of the resources the University makes available are events that are open to the public or are available online. A list of resources for everyone is available from the resource directory, from which you may be able to pick some that interest you.

Although you may not live locally, you may wish to have a college tour to Cambridge and visit us during your trip. To whet your appetite, you can try ShapeWalks, an interactive guide to Cambridge.

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The University of Calgary

The University of Calgary is a comprehensive research university that, in its short 38-year history , has grown to take its place among the finest institutions in Canada. Combining the best of long-established university traditions with the City of Calgary's vibrant energy and diversity, the university aims to provide a research and scholarly foundation for students eager to acquire the knowledge and skills essential for a successful personal and college life.

Our 213-hectare campus is a beautiful and dynamic setting for scholars in 16 faculties, 53 departments and more than 30 research institutes and centres. Our 1,917 full-time equivalent teaching and research faculty are actively engaged in research and scholarship. With over 2,500 full-time equivalent support staff, the university is Calgary's fourth largest employer.

Nearly 26,000 full-time equivalent students, including 900 international students from 87 countries, are enrolled in undergraduate, professional and college degree programs. This year, the university intends to graduate its 100,000th alumni.

As one of Canada's top seven research universities, innovation, discovery and learning are at the heart of all that we do. Our relentless pursuit of quality in our teaching and research programs is guided by our mission to contribute to the well being of the people of Alberta, Canada and the world.

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Medical school first to join humanism society

Many people have been touched by a doctor who cared for us with compassion, empathy and respect. But can we hope that in today's fast-paced world that the graduates of the medical school will still be able to care for people in ways that emulate those physicians of a previous era?

Educators on campus say emphatically, yes, we can ensure that the graduates of the medical school bring those invaluable humanistic skills to their 21st century practices in much the same way their predecessors did a generation ago.

Scientific knowledge is important, say educators, but that has to be coupled with compassionate care. So, to ensure that this marriage of equals happens, the University's medical school has taken another step it hopes will ensure compassionate care remains a hallmark of a U of A medical school graduate.

The University of Alberta's medical school has become the first Canadian school to be inducted into the Gold Humanism Honor Society, one of the initiatives of the Arnold P. Gold Foundation, a public foundation whose mission is to emphasize the importance of the relationship between the practitioner and the patient. There is not spring break vacation.

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Christian College Admissions
Prospective students who desire to attend Nebraska Christian College (a Seminaries) are invited to apply for admissions. Selection is made from applicants who show evidence of a vital relationship to Christ, have high moral character and who meet academic requirements.

Entrance Requirements and college admissions process

1. You must be a person of good Christian character, as evidenced and supported by character references of at least two reliable witnesses. The names of these two references are requested on the "Application for Admission" form.
2. You must have completed high school and submit a transcript of credit from your public, private, or home school education college admissions process(or your GED certificate).Nebraska Christian College welcomes home-schooled students. You may obtain a US high school transcript through your home-school association. Or, you may request a Nebraska Christian College Home School Credit Form to transmit your high school record to us. In certain instances, a non-high school graduate may be admitted as a special student. See "S-U Students" in the "Academic" section of this catalog.
3. You must submit ACT Test scores or SAT Test scores. (This requirement may be waived for students who have been out of high school more than two years.)
4. If you desire to transfer to Nebraska Christian College from another post-secondary educational institution, you must submit transcripts from each College attended and follow the above procedures. In addition read and follow instructions found under "Transfer Policy" in the "Academic" section of this catalog.

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New Mexico Virtual College

New Mexico Virtual College (NMVC) is a state-wide collaboration of colleges and universities throughout New Mexico. Through this college, students and educators can access a directory of distance education programs and a searchable database of online classes available from a variety of New Mexico Institutions. Through college media to learn more about the distance education opportunities available.

Distance Education Opportunities Include:

  • Associate, Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral Programs
  • ocational/Workforce training for business, industry and government
  • Professional development for certification and licensure
  • High School high Reunions, GED and Concurrent enrollment

Continuing Professional Education in the correspondence school
Benefits of Distance Education:

  • Anywhere, Anytime, Anyplace learning!
  • ervice is extended to rural populations.
  • Increased education opportunities for underserved populations.
  • Convenient access for working adults.
  • Increased overall access to educational resources.

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Post Graduate

Graduate Programs in Biomedical Sciences

The Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, Dental School, University of Maryland Baltimore has the distinction of being the first baltimore college of dental surgerydental college in the world. The Dental School is a nationally recognized center of learning committed to educating dental professionals to be self-directed and life-long learners capable of responding to changing environments. Through a strong emphasis on research and graduate education, the School is a leader in the advancement of oral and craniofacial health. The Department of Biomedical Sciences (formerly Department of Oral and Craniofacial Biological Sciences) was created in 1995 by the consolidation of the Departments of Anatomy, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pharmacology and Physiology. The purpose of the consolidation was to foster the integration of the basic and clinical sciences and to strengthen research training in the Dental School. A new multidisciplinary doctoral program in Biomedical Sciences was created to facilitate the already fruitful efforts of the School's graduate programs. The D.D.S./Ph.D. program was established to produce the next generation of Oral Health researchers and educators. The Department of Biomedical Sciences is part of the greater campus community and interacts with Graduate programs in the biological and related sciences throughout the University of Maryland System. Students in our graduate programs are trained as molecular and cell biologists, neuroscientists, and microbiologists. Since its inception, the program has made significant progress in graduate training, has obtained several major training grants from the National Institutes of Health, and has produced graduates who have taken postdoctoral and teaching positions at prestigious institutions.

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University of Massachusetts Medical School

The Program in Neuroscience at the University of Massachusetts Medical School offers a program of study and research leading to a Ph. D. degree from the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. The Neuroscience Program is an interdepartmental program with 46 faculty members, whose research focuses on understanding the formation and function of the nervous system. Neuroscience at the medical school is currently undergoing a phase of intense growth and excitement. Faculty members in the program are drawn from all departments on the University of Massachusetts Worcester campus, including the Department of Neurobiology, the Brudnick Neuropsychiatric Research Institute, and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center. The program provides training in biophysical, biochemical, molecular and genetic approaches to nervous system development and function.

All students in the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences spend the first year taking an integrated core course covering biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics and cell biology, as well as undertaking laboratory rotations. Students in the Neuroscience Program are required to take three additional graduate-level courses. One of these must be Introduction to Neuroscience, offered spring semester of the first year, but the remaining two courses may be taken in any department. A qualifying exam is administered during the second year and is a prerequisite for admission to candidacy within the Program. Students in the Neuroscience Program are also expected to attend weekly Seminars and Journal clubs and are required to give an annual research presentation. The Ph. D. program generally requires four to six years for completion.

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We intro about education college, state university, correspondence school, high school, graduate program and college admissions process etc.
Online Graduate Degree Programs

Grand Canyon University offers convenient Online Graduate Degree Programs. Your learning experience will be enhanced by the user friendly web based classroom environment. The Online Graduate Degree Programs are designed to make it easier for you to balance your busy schedule and earn your degree from the comfort of your home.

The Online Graduate Degree Programs offered at Grand Canyon University are among the best in the country. The state-of-the-art online learning environment is convenient and never involves strict meeting times. While you balance your busy schedule, you can earn your graduate degree through Grand Canyon University's Online Degree Programs.

Thousand of professionals are attending Grand Canyon University's Online Graduate Degree Programs to earn their degrees. Grand Canyon University's Online Graduate Degree Programs offer flexibility and convenience in a comfortable, state-of-the-art online classroom environment. As thousands of other professionals have done, you can complete your graduate degree and never physically step into a classroom.

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The Ergonomics Graduate Training Program

The Ergonomics Graduate Training Program was added as a Special Program Area to the ERC in 1993. Five years later California became the first State in the Nation to enact a workplace ergonomics standard. This new standard and the persistent high costs of work-related musculoskeletal disorders have led to a growing West Coast need for professionals and researchers with expertise in ergonomics.

The Ergonomics Program provides training for an M.S. or Ph.D. degree or post-doctoral training. The Program is small but the quality of its graduates is high as demonstrated by their advancement to Ph.D. training and by their rapid employment by regional firms and agencies. One of the Program's graduates was recently recruited to the faculty at the Harvard School of Public Health to develop their Ergonomics Program. Two others have also filled faculty posts.

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MBA Graduate Program

MBA graduate program

The MBA Program is taught primarily by CSU's College of Business Administration graduate faculty, who are selected for expertise in their academic disciplines and related experience in business. In addition, all MBA faculty have Ph.D.s or other highest possible degrees in their field of specialization, and are actively involved in the community - as business consultants, members of professional organizations, and community leaders - bringing a richness of practical application to every course they teach.

Career Opportunities
CSU's MBA program is known throughout the region as one of the finest, and our graduates are recognized as among the best prepared and most capable. Our students are known to consistently have the skills, knowledge, and flexibility required to do the jobs for which they are prepared. Because our programs incorporate so many practical, on-the-job experiences, our graduates have had ample chance to prove their professional skills and potential. Our graduates take positions in business and industry; public service and community agencies; government; health care; and other organizations. Many students find that the transition from graduate school to full-time employment is greatly facilitated through participation in a co-op or internship opportunity. In fact, some students end up accepting full-time positions at the very companies and firms for which they interned

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Graduate Admissions

Graduate Admissions: The University of Michigan Law School welcomes applications from around the world and from all segments of the legal profession: private practice, academia, government, NGOs, and corporations. We seek to create a diverse and intellectually outstanding student body. Admission to the graduate program is very competitive and many applicants who would perform well in the program are necessarily turned away.

All applicants must have completed the first degree in law required for law practice or law teaching in the country in which law studies were pursued. U.S. applicants must have satisfied the J.D. requirements at an ABA-accredited law school. In any given year, those accepted to our graduate programs have completed their legal education with distinction, graduating at or near the very top of their classes or otherwise demonstrating exceptional academic ability.

Clearly, a highly important consideration in the selection process is the academic and professional record of the applicants in their own countries. We seek people who have proven intellectual and professional abilities. Simply looking at grades and references does not provide an adequate yardstick to predict the outcome of our selection procedure. While a high threshold of academic and professional achievement is a requirement, we also try to build a heterogeneous group of graduate students representing a wide array of qualities, including varied intellectual interests, different countries and traditions, and diverse life and professional experience. We attach importance to academic attainments and interests, non-academic achievements, law-related employment experiences, and ability to benefit from graduate studies. We take the letters of reference we receive very seriously.

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