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Throw in an Extra Banner Stand
Publish Date : 12/23/2005 3:41:15 AM Source : Rick Hendershot
by Rick Hendershot, Trade Show Tipsoriginally published at Trade Show Tips and Trade Show Buzz You've spent considerable time and effort designing a killer trade show booth or popup display. But now you find you would like to emphasize a new product, or a special service your company has just introduced. Do you have to go back to square one and redesign your entire booth?Definitely not. Just add an extra banner stand or retractable display unit or two. Highlight your new product offering by doing up a special portable JiffyRoll. Or punch up your presentation by replacing those low tech flip charts with a graphically striking retractable display. These units are versatile enough to be placed near your featured product. Then move it to your presentation area and use it as a graphic backdrop when making your pitch.Retractable displays are portable, easy to set up, and very inexpensive. In fact the price of these units has come down so much you no longer have to be concerned with amortizing their cost over five or six shows. A banner stand is inexpensive enough to be considered a one time item. A JiffyRoll (Roll Up) costs a bit more, but will give you many uses. In fact, if you take care of them, either of these retractable display types are sturdy enough to last for years.Design for ImpactSince you want to maximize the dramatic graphic impact of your banner stand or JiffyRoll, try using a bit of design flair. Don't settle for a blown up version of your presentation's title page, or just the product name followed by a few bulleted features. Create a display design that has impact — that is striking and that people will notice.Digital printing techniques give you the ability to use full color photographs and artwork. If you don't know anything about working with images, or have never used graphic design software, get your company's graphic designer to create something with visual impact. Consult the design section at America-Banners.com and Tradeshow-display-experts.com for design and technical advice.Or, even better, talk to your trade show display supplier and see if they can design something for you as part of their service. Since they have done this sort of thing hundreds of times, they will have a very good idea of what you are trying to accomplish, and they will know exactly what raw materials you need. They can often put an impressive design together for much less than you are likely to pay a free lance designer.For more information go to TradeShow-Display-Experts.com or America-Banners.com. About the Author
Rick Hendershot is a marketing consultant operating out of Conestogo, Ontario, Canada. He publishes several websites and blogs, including Web Traffic Resources, Marketing Bites, SuperCharge Your Website with Power Linking, and many more.
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