53.1° F
Humidity: 76% Wind: S 8 MPH Barometer: 30.23" Steady
Alaska Salmon Fishing Charters
If you are like most anglers, you long to see fishing action better than anything you've
seen before. You've undoubtedly heard stories from lucky fishermen who have been fortunate
enough to experience "red-hot" Alaska salmon fishing action first hand...
Multiple hookups of feisty, acrobatic salmon on light tackle, limit catches
of chrome bright Alaska salmon in the most pristine setting on earth.
The best Alaska salmon fishing is all here, the only thing missing is you.
Few fisheries around the globe can boast fishing "as good as it used to be".
But Alaska is truly a remarkable place. If you have been waiting a lifetime
for a true Alaska salmon fishing experience, don't pass up this chance to experience a
truly fantastic day of salmon fishing in Alaska;. We specialize in making
your Alaska salmon fishing dreams come true.
Alaska King Salmon Fishing Charters
The thought of catching an Alaska King Salmon can conjure up visions of hour-long
fights and King Salmon so big they bust nets! Alaska is known world-wide as the
place to go for giant King Salmon charters and we can take you there. Whether its catching
a trophy Kenai River King Salmon, experiencing the action of a Kasilof River drift
trip, or trolling the open ocean for feeder King Salmon our experienced guides can
take you to the best action. King Salmon are the largest of all the salmon species.
The Alaska state record King Salmon: 97lbs.
The most effective technique for catching an Alaska King Salmon in the
saltwater is trolling. Anglers troll mainly whole or plug-cut herring but lures
such as vibrax and tee-spoons are also effective at times.
In Seward, King Salmon are also sometimes caught while mooching for Silver Salmon, this makes for quite a
battle on lighter Silver Salmon tackle. King Salmon can be caught almost year round
in Seward. Boats often troll for "feeder kings" or "winter kings" during winter months. Feeder
Kings are fish living out the saltwater portion of their lives and are not immediately
on their way to spawn like most King Salmon caught during the spring/summer months.
King salmon can be caught almost year round in Seward. Alaska is known world-wide as the place to go for giant King Salmon and we can take you there.
While fishing for Silver Salmon in Seward, multiple hookups are the norm not the exception. But as this lucky angler found, King Salmon are sometimes mixed in with the Silvers!
Alaska Silver Salmon Fishing Charters
Seward Alaska Silver Salmon fishing is an Alaska salmon fishing charter at its finest! Imagine
schools of ocean-bright Coho Salmon so thick you can sight fish for them. This
is not just an Alaska salmon fishing dream! We regularly chum schools of these
chrome-bright "Silvers" right up under the boat, even in the middle of the ocean! Seward
salmon fishing; where multiple hookups are the norm not the exception. The limit,
ranging from 3 to 6, depending on the area, is usually a slam-dunk during the peak
season or July and August, and can provide non-stop excitement. Fishing Seward Alaska
for Silver Salmon is the highlight for many anglers during their Alaska fishing vacation.
In fact the boat record for quickest limit was 42 Silver Salmon in 48 minutes. Now that's action!
Package Specials
Combination Charters
Salmon - Halibut
Lingcod - Halibut
Starting at $250
Coho Salmon are well regarded for their tenacious, acrobatic fight. Silver Salmon
average 8-10 lbs with fish up to 20 pounds taken each year. Seward is known world
wide for its large run of Silver Salmon and the annual Seward Silver Salmon Derby
that begins the second Saturday of August each year.