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SDSL - Symmetric Digital Subscriber Lines
Guide to SDSL High-Speed Internet Connectivity


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Introduction to SDSL
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VoIP Telephones
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Video Conferencing
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Website Hosting
SOA Web Services
Virtual Private Networks
Broadband Technologies
SDSL Modems
Service Availability
SDSL High-Speed Internet

SDSL is an exciting new high-speed Internet technology that is becoming popular around the world.  It is very stable and able to support Internet a broad range on Internet applications.   Unlike ADSL, symmetric DSL can both send and receive files at very high speed.

Emerging Technologies

A number of emerging Internet applications require an Internet connection that can upload and download files at very high speeds.  VoIP, Video Conferencing, SOA web service and advanced Internet gaming applications are examples of a new generation of bandwidth-hungry applications.

SDSL Service Availability

SDSL is now available in many areas of Europe, North America and Asia.  Because it can be provided over regular telephone lines, SDSL is relatively inexpensive and available in Europe, North America and Asia.

Other Broadband Technologies

If SDSL is unavailable in your area, there are many other broadband technologies available.  They include cable, wireless, satellite and other types of DSL Internet access.  Find a technology that meets your needs and budget!


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