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The IM Specialresor Photo Collection
Chinas Great Wall   [4 pictures]
Volvo Ocean Race   [5 pictures]
croatia   [11 pictures]
france   [18 pictures]
italy   [8 pictures]
sweden   [14 pictures]
Downloading & Copying Images
The gallery photos have been collected on our travels and are owned by us. Be aware that we and others may have already used some of these images in various ways. We give you permission to copy them and use them for private and commercial applications. However the images may not be resold or redistributed. We take no responsibility for any disputes that may arise from your use of our images. If you use any of the images, it would be nice if you could let us know where and how. An acknowledgement link would be even better. Enjoy.
¦ IM Specialresor Site Map ¦
IM Specialresor AB · Birger Jarlsgatan 37 · Box 7002 · S-103 86 Stockholm · Sweden · Tel +46 8 406 06 96 · Fax +46 8 406 06 92 · E-mail:  IM Specialresor contact information