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ICRC films and publications catalogue
This section contains a comprehensive list of ICRC printed materials and audiovisual productions with the possibility of ordering online. These products exist in a variety of formats - posters, books, brochures, films, videos, DVDs.

The ICRC produces a wide range of communication materials whether to promote international humanitarian law, to increase awareness of dangers such as landmines or to outline activities in specific countries.

All products can be ordered online and many of our publications can be downloaded free of charge in PDF format.

See the ICRC's pricing policy for communication products and how to order on line, by mail or fax.

You can also order the print version of the catalogue.

New releases of ICRC films and publications

ICRC films  ICRC Publications  Both 

Themes: About the ICRC, International humanitarian law, Prevention, Protection, Assistance, Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement

Themes: About the ICRC, International humanitarian law, Prevention, Protection, Assistance, Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, From the field

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Copyright © 2006  International Committee of the Red Cross31-07-2006