| ICRC activities on behalf of people affected by war Humanitarian work in times of war. Specific sections on: aid for civilians and prisoners, reuniting families, tracing missing persons, spreading knowledge of humanitarian law. Includes relations with States, the international community and the private sector and cooperation with the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. 2-6-2006 Mine Action: Preventive activities in the field Mines and explosive remnants of war continue to kill and maim civilians long after the last shot has been fired in a conflict. This concise leaflet outlines the work that the ICRC carries out to protect civilians from these after effects of armed conflict. (ICRC Activities) | 23-3-2006 Tuberculosis: a forgotten killer A prison environment is particularly conducive to the spread of tuberculosis and a disease that is nowadays curable often proves fatal. On the occasion of World Tuberculosis Day (24 March), the ICRC reminds authorities concerned that detainees have the same rights to health-care as the general population - interview with Eric Burnier, ICRC doctor.(ICRC Activities) | 9-5-2006 ICRC Special Fund for the Disabled – Annual Report 2005 The Special Fund for the Disabled aims to ensure continuity of former ICRC programmes for populations affected by conflict and support other physical rehabilitation centres in low-income countries. Its immediate objectives are to maintain and increase access, quality and durability of rehabilitation services. (ICRC Activities) | 6-4-2006 Pakistan: happy to walk again In cooperation with the Fauji Foundations' Artificial Limb Centre in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, the ICRC is providing rehabilitation support services to those who lost limbs during the earthquake. ICRC employee, Raza Hamdani, reports. See also the special page on ICRC operations to help the victims of the South Asia earthquake.(ICRC Activities) | 30-3-2006 The ICRC: a leading authority on war surgery
Audio interview. The ICRC held its 17th annual seminar on war surgery in Geneva from March 31 to April 1. Participants from more than 20 countries shared knowledge and experience and gained instruction on relevant aspects of international humanitarian law, appropriate surgical techniques, wound management and patient care.(ICRC Activities) | 5-5-2006 Facilitating family visits to detainees At the most southern tip of Iraq, the ICRC is continuing its Family Visitation Allowance Programme (FVAP) that began in October 2005, providing financial assistance to families wishing to visit relatives held at Bucca internment camp. Kenza Saadi, an ICRC protection delegate, reports from Basrah. Read also latest operational update(ICRC Activities) | 2-4-2004 Exploring Humanitarian Law - EHL Exploring Humanitarian Law is an educational programme designed to introduce adolescents (age 13 – 18) to the basic rules and principles of international humanitarian law and related issues.(ICRC Activities) | 10-4-2006 ICRC: in the heart of the action This film highlights the commitment of the ICRC and its Red Cross / Red Crescent partners to relieving human suffering. It focuses on various recent dramatic situations including Darfur, Iraq, the south-east Asia tsunami and the Pakistan earthquake.(ICRC Activities) | 29-6-2006 Young creatives produce ICRC publicity The best of upcoming talent in the advertising industry have taken part in a competition to create advertising material for the ICRC. It was all part of the Young Creatives Competition at the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival that took place in June.(ICRC Activities) |
23-6-2006 Young creatives produce ICRC publicity The best of upcoming talent in the advertising industry have taken part in a competition to create advertising material for the ICRC. It was all part of the Young Creatives Competition at the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival that took place in June.(ICRC Activities\Protection\Restoring family links) | 1-6-2006 The ICRC worldwide 2005 Over 12,000 staff worked to improve the situation of those touched by war and armed violence in 2005. This summary outlines the organization's work on behalf of detainees, separated families, the wounded and sick and the populations of countries affected by conflict.(Info resources\Annual Report\2005) | Press Release 1-6-2006 Launch of the ICRC Annual Report 2005: armed conflict on all five continents takes heavy toll on civilians The ICRC's Annual Report 2005, just published in Geneva, paints a grim picture of the impact of armed conflict and violence on civilians. They face killing, injury, displacement, rape and sexual harassment, forced labour and recruitment, detention, and the destruction of property and of the means of survival. The collapse of basic services in areas such as health, water and education exacerbates their suffering.(News) | | 25-3-2004
See also (ICRC Activities) | 2-7-2004 National Implementation of IHL The ICRC Advisory Service encourages States to to ratify IHL treaties and to fulfil their obligations under these treaties.(ICRC Activities) | |