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International Committee of the Red Cross
an independent, neutral organization ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of war and armed violence
The principle of proportionality in military operations
During the current conflict, the ICRC has reminded all parties of their obligation to respect the principle of proportionality in military operations. But what do international rules of war say about proportionality? Listen to the BBC's Analysis programme, with the participation of Knut Doermann, the ICRC's deputy head of legal division. Photo courtesy Reuters
22-7-2006 | Abuse grows hatred Torture is an affront to humanity and a crime. In addition, it feeds a cycle of violence, often engendering hatred not only among those who suffer directly but among entire communities. The ICRC has produced a new TV spot and print ad to support its efforts to prevent torture and other forms of ill-treatment. 20-7-2006 | Cité-Soleil: grinding poverty, relentless violence Built in the 1960s to house a few thousand workers, Cité-Soleil is now one of the largest shantytowns in the northern hemisphere and a microcosm of all the ills that beset Haitian society: endemic unemployment, illiteracy, the collapse of public services, insalubrity, crime and violence. 4-7-2006 | International Conference incorporates red crystal emblem The 29th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent has amended the Movement's statutes to incorporate the additional emblem of the red crystal, which has the same status as the red cross and red crescent. Read more about the emblem. 4-7-2006 |
Latest releases 11-7-2006 | ICRC: in the heart of the action This film captures the commitment of the ICRC and its partners from the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. It focuses on seven situations between 2003 and 2005: the conflict in Darfur, the war in Iraq, Nepal, Yemen, the tsunami in South-East Asia, Chechnya and the earthquake in Pakistan. This film is now available on DVD. 21-7-2006 | Where are they now? Restoring and maintaining family links worldwide Uncertainty over the fate of a loved one causes untold suffering in wartime. This film shows how the ICRC Central Tracing Agency, together with national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies all over the world, works to alleviate this suffering. This film is now available on DVD. 11-7-2006 |
Operational updates Israel OT/AT - June 2006 Update of activities carried out by the ICRC in Israel and the occupied and autonomous territories in June 2006Operational update 13-7-2006 | Timor Leste - June 2006 An overview of the activities carried out by the ICRC, the International Federation and the Timor Leste Red Cross Society (CVTL) since the outbreak of violence in April 2006 and the resulting displacement of tens of thousands of civilians.Operational update 3-7-2006 | Lebanon - May 2006 The ICRC has been present in Lebanon since 1967 and today focuses on monitoring the situation of civilians living in the former occupied zone, restoring family links for people separated by conflict, promoting IHL and strengthening the capacities of the Lebanese Red Cross Society.Operational update 20-6-2006 | Post 9/11 detainees - May 2006 This document explains the purpose of the ICRC visits to US places of detention in Bagram (Afghanistan), Guantanamo Bay (Cuba) and Charleston and its procedures.Operational update 16-6-2006 | Uganda - March 2006 Addressing the humanitarian needs resulting from the armed conflict in northern areas of the country forms the major part of the ICRC's work in Uganda - an update on ICRC activities from the beginning of January until the end of March 2006.Operational update 2-6-2006 | Iraq - March 2006 The following is an update of activities carried out in Iraq by the ICRC between January and March 2006Operational update 7-4-2006 |