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Red Cross volunteers in Lebanon: from dusk to dawnRed Cross volunteers in Lebanon: from dusk to dawn
Since hostilities began in Lebanon, some two weeks ago, more than 5,000 Lebanese Red Cross (LRC), volunteers and staff, working under increasingly dangerous and life-threatening situations, continue to evacuate the wounded, the sick and distribute essential relief and medicines to displaced families, sometimes at the peril of their life, especially in the south of the country. Lebanese Red Cross paramedics are providing the only ambulance service in the country to transport patients from the hardest-hit areas near the Israeli border to Tyre, and from there, to safer cities such as Beirut.

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The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is the world's largest humanitarian organization, with 185 member National Societies. All our work is guided by seven fundamental principles; humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality.