The Wayback Machine -

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We get your site up on the web quickly and economically. We do it using tools we developed over the last 10 years. 10 years is FOREVER in the web business. We stay alive by serving our customers.

We are Ed Andrea and Aaron Chang and a whole host of designers and programmers and server people who we use as needed to get the job done. We're a bunch of computers and some really well-written programming that can do our work and yours, too.

We're also a company that gets its work done in a very professional manner, yet maintains its sense of humor. If the informality and tounge-in-cheek nature of these bios seems a little strange to you. DON"T CALL US. We work way too hard and too many hours, and if we can't laugh a little it's just not going to be fun for either of us.

Ed Andrea (aka WebEddy) - Managing Partner
Webeddy has over 30 years experience in marketing. He's been an executive, a flunky, a worker bee, a business owner and has been involved in many different industries.

It's that eclectic mix and the constant need to try new things that has created the perfect webmaster. He REALLY understands small business, and in addition to a college degree, has extensive credentials from the School of Hard Knocks.

He's reached full maturity but he's not fading yet, and probably has at least ten more years of good work before he loses his sense of humor.

Aaron Chang - Partner, Creative Director
Aaron Chang is man with a passion. He loves to make things look fantastic. He's a great designer with tremendous mastery over his tools.

He's done interface design and graphic design in both print and electronic media and has completed major projects for companies like Alaska Airlines, Kia Motors, Northwest Airlines, Buick, claire's, Blue Nile, the Cobalt Group and others. He cut his teeth at McCann Erickson in NYC and now he's in business with Webeddy, lending his considerable expertise to the small business website.

Don't let the baby face fool you. He's actually the more serious of the partners and keeps Webeddy from getting too rambunctious.

Together, Webeddy and Aaron make a balanced pair; the the perfect pair to work on websites for small business.

Thank you very much for coming to our website and reading this far. We love working with our current clients and we'd love to work with you.

Webeddy (aka Ed Andrea)
The Head Ed and Managing Partner

Wholesale and Retail
Real Estate:
Agent or Broker
Small Business:
Professional or Personal
Service Professional:
Professional or Personal
Personal Resumes, Actors,
Bands, Musicians, Teachers
Artists, Architects, Landscape Design, Interior Design
Horse Ranch, Talent Agency, Real Estate
Everything Else:
Even if you don't see your specific category, we can easily and quickly build a semi-custom site using our web-ready content modules!
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