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A Northwest Favorite Since 1967

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Lee Lock Anchor System
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       Seattle, WA
      Tel: 206-624-6550


2006 Steelhead Seminar Information

Steelhead University is proud to introduce a new section devoted to Guides and Resorts.

New Article - Advanced Plugging

Advanced Plugging - Click Here

View the Latest Review on the

Lee Lock Anchor System

Check out the New Lee Lock Anchor System

Check out a new article on the Snake River in the
Regions Section

Winter steelhead are a thing of the past now and it's time to focus more attention on spring chinook. The Columbia River is re-opening for spring chinook after a surge of fish entered the river, giving managers the opportunity to re-open the river to sportfisherman. Lower Columbia tribs like the Lewis and Cowlitz have been seeing excellent action for springers this past week and further east Drano Lake has been lights out. Guide's Eli Rico and Eric Linde have been putting up some hefty numbers on Drano Lake recently trolling prawn spinners and wiggle warts. Watch for that action to continue into early June.

It's not too early to start looking for summer steelhead, either, as guide Phil Stephens is reporting summer fish already showing up on the Cowlitz River in Southwest Washington. The June 1st opener is just around the corner for the Skykomish River near Monroe, as well, which should see a good return of both summer run steelhead and summer kings. Further north the Skagit River will also be opening up on June 1st and hatchery chinook are on tap again on the stretch between Rockport and Marblemount for the second year in a row. Guides John Koenig and Cal Stocking will be ones to watch on this system.

View more fishing reports on the Reports page!

New in the Region Section

Tillamook Bay is off and Running

Product Review Section

Check out the new 6 Degree North River Scout

Welcome to Steelhead University! The sole purpose of this site is to help you catch more steelhead. Steelhead are, and always have been, the most elusive and sought after gamefish in the Pacific Northwest. In addition to their elusive nature, they are perhaps the hardest fighting freshwater gamefish in North America.Rob Endsley with a chrome bright winter run! Catching these prized fish, however, even for the most experienced fisherman, has always been a challenge.

This site will provide useful information for both novice and experienced steelheaders on how, when, and where to catch these prized fish.

 We'll have tech tips, product reviews, destination articles, and in season updates related to steelhead and salmon fisheries throughout the Pacific Northwest. You'll also find useful links to weather forecasts, river levels, maps of major river systems, and other useful information to help you plan your next trip to the river.

Steelhead University will be brought to by two of the northwests top river anglers, full time guide Rob Endsley and co-host of the Wild Country Radio Show Tom T.J. NelsonT.J. Nelson with a 20lb Hatchery Steelhead

In addition to hosting this website, these guys will be conducting informative clinics with some of the Northwest's top names in sportfishing, all for the sake of making you a better angler!  Stay tuned for 2006 clinic dates, as we'll be adding them soon!

In addition to steelhead fishing, this site and our clinics will also be focused on how to catch salmon once they enter the freshwater environment.  Catching salmon after they enter freshwater is just as detail-oriented as any steelhead presentation and many of the techniques used to catch steelhead are adaptable to catching salmon.

What makes Steelhead University special is that the information you find here is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We'll be adding articles, tech tips, maps, and other useful fishing knowledge on a regular basis. 

Steelhead University is a division of Salmon University.
All content of this site is ©2004-2006 Steelhead University, unless otherwise noted.

Guides and Lodges recommended by Steelhead University

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