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How To Best Handle Health Insurance Plan Changes Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:28 AM Source : Michael Ertel Many economists have suggested and recent economic data indicates that the economy is steadily moving in the right direction. A combination of several factors has no doubt had a negative impact on the economy over the last several years.The recent... How To Choose Diamond Earrings Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:28 AM Source : Arthur Tschopp Diamond beauty versus cost: What is the best combination?Better quality diamonds are more brilliant and beautiful, but they command higher prices as well. This article explains how to find the best value in diamond stud earrings: the brightest... Car Buying Scams Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Tim Gorman Purchasing a new automobile is hard enough without having to deal with the sales pressure from a car salesman. It’s no big secret that almost every car dealership can be talked down on the initial price they want for a car. The key is to know what... Car Insurance Discounts Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Tim Register Trying to save money wherever you can is important to us all. Insurance should be no different. Do not assume that your agent knows everything about you and your vehicle. goes out of their way to find all the possible discounts that... is available at all dealerships...with internet access!! Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Erick Pace You are ready to buy your first car. Researching the right vehicle can be a daunting task. You search for the right type of vehicle you need, the color you want, the type of interior. You have spent countless hours narrowing down the right vehicle... Checking Fluids Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Kevin Schappell Keeping your vehicle in tip-top shape requires constant monitoring of vital fluids. Read you owners manual and look for a diagram of the engine. Most times there will be a diagram showing where to check all the major fluids. This should be your... Choosing the right car Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Jason Hulott We all dream about the car we’d like, Maybe we see one in the street and think “that’s the one for me” then, being fickle, will see another a little further along the street and say “No, that’s the car I want!”.Don’t worry, this is quite normal,... Client Service as a Competitive Advantage Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Doug Brown *My name is Susan Young and I am Doug Brown's publicist. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 732-613-4790.* (Do not include this in this article)As someone who has been heavily involved facilitating strategic planning... Closing The Deal Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Kevin Schappell Congratulations !!!! You got the deal you were looking for. Now is the perfect time to mention to the dealer that you are looking to trade in that car you are currently driving. This way they cannot jack up the new car costs and offer you more for... Common mistakes motorcycle buyers make when looking for a motorcycle loan Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Jay Fran Whether interest rates are high or low or it's the end of a model year with lots of incentives, motorcycle buyers tend to make the same mistakes when shopping for a motorcycle loan. Here are four common mistakes motorcycle buyers make with... Consumer Directed Health Plans Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Michael Ertel Most of you have heard about “consumer directed health plans”. The Bush administration has been a strong supporter of this concept as a way to get a handle on soaring healthcare costs. The recent inaugeration of Mr. Bush signals that consumer... Control Health Care Costs and Save Taxes? Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : David M. Schmader One of the most prominent issues being discussed in the media is the rising cost of health insurance. Employees are being asked to contribute an ever increasing amount of their pay to group insurance premiums. Employers face double digit increases... Credit Damage: Getting Compensated for Your Loss Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Georg Finder Until recently lawyers for victims of credit damage had little possibility to collect for damages beyond medical treatment, lost wages and property loss. Insurance companies threw up their hands in sympathy, claiming victims can only be compensated... Customer Service and The Human Experience Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Rosanne Dausilio, Ph.D. Historically, customer service was delivered over the phone or in person. Customers didn’t have many choices, and switching to competitors was cumbersome. Today, these methods are but two of the many possible touch points of entry for any given... Defense Wins in Baseball- Not Business Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Bart Latimer Defense Wins in Baseball- Not Business By: Bart Latimer First, I want to go on record as believing defense does, in fact, play a significant role in business. The protection of both tangible and intangible assets through legal maneuvers, insurance,... Designing and deploying human centric processes Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Lucas Rodríguez Cervera Suggestions for success in human-centric process reengineering projects, by applying best practices in knowledge intensive environments.A lot of effort has been carried out in the last years to re engineer processes in order to automate all or parts... Direct Response Advertising Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Timothy G. Little "A Powerful Direct Response Marketing Guide that Can Literally Double or Triple the Number of New Clients Your Bring Into Your Business Online or Offline" Contact InformationTimothy Little--For details on how to launch a direct response Web site... Diversity in The Workplace Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Judith Lindenberger and Marian Stoltz-Loike Diversity in the WorkplaceBy Judith Lindenberger, MBA and Marian Stoltz-Loike, Ph.D.As you look around your office, is everyone just like you? Probably not. The demographics of the American workforce have changed dramatically over the last 50 years.... Do I Need Raised Letter or Full Color Business Cards? Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Mitone Griffith/ If you've been searching around for business cards that will best represent the image you want to portray for your business, then you've no doubt encountered many options. The Big Two, as I like to think of them, are "Raised Letter" and "Full... Do Insurance Premiums Increase Every Year? Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Jon Register Many people ask, "If I am supposed to get a renewal discount, why do my premiums seem to increase with each renewal?" The answer is not always so simple. Each year, new vehicles cost more then they did the previous year. It will probably cost more... Do you know what your body shop business is worth? Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Willard Michlin Many smaller body shop owners have asked, “How do I appraise my body shop?” In the last month I have been asked to do two appraisals on body shops. The first appraisal was to assist in partnership dissolution; the second appraisal was for marriage... Driving us mad? The ten worst driving habits exposed Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Sophie Evans Site: details: ImmediateDate: 6-Jun-05Driving us mad? The ten worst driving habits exposed. People spend a lot of time in their cars. Over two thirds of the working population travels to work by car and over a... FATTEN YOUR ONLINE PROFITS WITH DROP SHIPPING... Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Thom Reece High Quality Products Blanket Product Liability Insurance (if applicable) A clear guarantee and return policy High Quality Marketing Materials ... product images (gifs, jpegs, etc.), selling copy, other suitable web graphics, etc. A Customer... FILING: How To Find What You Need When You Need It Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Monica Ricci Filing: How To Find What You Need When You Need ItNobody enjoys filing, at least nobody I?ve ever met. But like it or not, keeping track of paper information is crucial to living an organized life or running a successful business. The biggest... Factors That Affect Your Car Insurance Premium Publish Date : 1/10/2006 5:23:27 AM Source : Jon Register Many factors affect the premium you will pay for auto insurance. Each is a statistically based risk for a specific population. The higher the risk associated with a person, the more he or she is likely to pay for coverage. We have elaborated on some... Total Results : 216 More Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 [7] 8 9 Previous Next Page |