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The Importance of Security Cameras
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 6:54:05 PM Source : Damian Sofsian
Given the recent terrorist attacks, security cameras have taken on a whole new meaning in the 21-st Century. Previously, the thought of security cameras recording and keeping a record of people’s activities were met with strong resistance as a harmful intrusion on our freedoms. How could we allow anybody to watch us, record us and look over our shoulders? Is this not America? The ACLU and other legal watchdog groups would have been all over the courts to stop them before they became widespread. In the post 9/11 world we cry out for more protection, demanding our government do everything in its power to stop these madmen from hurting people, especially here in America. And security cameras have leaped into the forefront of that battle, recording the movements of suicide bombers and other terrorists, hopefully preventing them from wreaking havoc.Recently, there were terrorist attacks in London. Four separate locations were hit – three separate subway stations and one double-decker bus. As the airwaves filled with news of the attacks, one bit of information stood out. The investigation into who committed these horrific acts would involve checking the footage on 1800 security cameras around town. 1800 cameras! It turns out that London has the most pervasive security camera system in the world. About the Author
Security Cameras Info provides detailed information about home, wireless, hidden, fake, and wholesale security cameras, as well as outdoor, remote, business, and other security camera systems. Security Cameras Info is the sister site of Metal Detectors Web.
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