Maritime Shipping - Essays and Articles.
This section is dedicated to articles related to all dimensions of shipping and life at sea.
We invite you to bring your works in the open;
write what you feel, bring forth your opinion and let others give their
point of view .
To submit or suggest an article please e-mail webmaster. Any one can
contribute one's work here. If you are not the author of the essay,
please include contact information of the author to verify consent and
copyright information.
Create informational and educational material for the guidance of
others. Bring that writer out of the confines of solitary life at sea
and tell the world how the life at sea is and how huge is the change
that always wraps the ship and its crew at the upper end of gangway. Humor at sea or sea related fields is welcome , bring it to light in
your articles.
Your experiences can guide the new entrants in facing similar
Addressing mariners only above does not mean that other shore based
services are excluded. Information on all shipping or sea related topics
is welcomed and will be published subject to acceptability.
We, the mariners at sea, have a lot to say but have limited excess. We possess the experience of travel and dealing with diverse range of
nationalities. We know the feeling of vastness of the sea when the ship
is in the middle of the pacific, or the strength of it when we pass a
tropical revolving storm.
We meet dead lines of commercial concerns' and office interest.
Less manpower and ever increasing responsibilities keep us alert and
awake in spite of so pronounced rest hour regulations.
Fast port operations and commercial aspects have ,over a very short span
of time, changed the way merchant navy was once viewed.