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SDSL Applications
Guide to SDSL High-Speed Internet Connectivity


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Introduction to SDSL
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SDSL Applications
VoIP Telephones
Computer Gaming
Video Conferencing
Live Webcasting
Website Hosting
SOA Web Services
Virtual Private Networks
Broadband Technologies
SDSL Modems
Service Availability

There are a number of existing and emerging Internet Applications that require large volumes of data to be sent from a home or businesses to other homes and business via the Internet. 

Examples of such applications are listed below and will be discussed in the following pages:

  1. VoIP Telephony
  2. Advanced Computer Gaming
  3. Video Conferencing
  4. Live Webcasting
  5. Web Services (SOA Applications)
  6. VPN Applications

Because SDSL Internet connectivity supports high-speed data transfer in both directions, it is normally a superior broadband solution than ADSL, its DSL cousin.  The cost of SDSL service is often not much more than the cost of ADSL service.

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