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Home > Price Lists > Currency Converter

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Convert Currency

Click here and Pop Open this Currency Converter!
This will pop up a floating window that you can use to convert your currency while browsing the White Mountain™ website without leaving your chosen page. Universal Currency Converter®
convert this amount of this type of currency into this type of currency.

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Universal Currency Converter under license from Terms of Use

Important! Please read this Disclaimer

The Currency Conversion includes a JavaScript calculator for international customers of White Mountain™ to determine the price in your local currency, including the costs associated with your choice of shipping method.

White Mountain™ will debit your credit card the amount in $AUD on the day the order takes place. Since currency exchange rates fluctuate daily, it is difficult to accurately forecast the exact price in your local currency.

The exchange rate data for this calculator is sourced from Xenon Laboratories Inc.,
suppliers of the Universal Currency Converter.

White Mountain™ or White Mountain™ take no responsibility for the accuracy of the prices in your local currency since the exchange rates are based on money market rates and not the retail rates used by credit card service providers. Note that the prices do not include any customs or import charges. (None are applicable in Australia as at January 2000). Xenon Laboratories supply us with the currency exchange rates but make no guarantee as to the accuracy or suitability for any given purpose. White Mountain™ is responsible for providing you with the accurate pricing information in $AUD and the currency conversion is the responsibility of your credit card provider.

This page was last updated on Monday, 31 July 2006


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Why Purchase from White Mountain?

White Mountain™ offer high quality, high functioning products at extraordinarily low prices when compared to any other like products on the world market. You have the security and peace of mind dealing with one the world's largest manufacturers of backpacks, and our personal guarantee of quality.

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Address: 7 King Street, Prahran, Melbourne VIC Australia 3181 Phone: +61 3 9510 1655 Fax: +61 3 9510 1945 Email: