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Expert fly fishing guides for trout and salmon on the premium waters of Alaska's Upper Kenai River. Also seeking trophy-sized Rainbow Trout and King Salmon throughout the Lower Kenai River. Featuring 20' Custom Drift Boats.
Welcome Anglers,

The Upper Kenai River, in Cooper Landing Alaska, has been my backyard for many wonderful fishing seasons. I have been a "Kenai River Fly Fishing Guide" since 1989. Now, with my exceptional fishing buddy Stacy Corbin, we are guiding as Mystic Waters. Hopefully you are visiting this site because you are interested in learning about fly fishing opportunities on the Kenai River. Maybe you are searching for an Alaska Fly Fishing guide. Please take some time to look around. You will find an introduction to the services offered by Mystic Waters as well as some valuable information about Kenai River fly fishing. Whether you choose Mystic Waters or not, I am always happy to discuss fly fishing Alaska. Check back from time to time. I will continue adding more photos and informative content to this site when I’m not out fly fishing Alaska’s "Mystic Waters".

Tight Lines and Great Fly Fishing!

Fred Telleen

NEW...Alaska Fish Stories NEW...2005 Season Highlights

NEW...Premium Lodging

NEW...Tips and Tricks

Learn...Alaska's Kenai River

Learn...Kenai River Fish

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Learn...Mystic Waters Fly-fishing
Site Map to Cooper Landing Map

Flyfish for Alaska's Greatest Game Fish!
Rainbow Trout - Dolly Varden - Sockeye Salmon - Silver Salmon - King Salmon - Pink Salmon

 To catch this rainbow, you need a license. Save your time for fly fishing and order your Alaska Sportfishing License before you go.

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Your Alaska Fly Fishing Guides, Fred Telleen and Stacy Corbin.
Stacy and I are proud to be members of the Ross Reels USA Pro Staff.

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Mystic Waters
P.O. Box 791, Cooper Landing, Alaska, 99572, US
phone: 907-227-0549

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