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Why Learn Languages?
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:21 AM   Source : Ron Tichenor
Why learn languages? Why would anyone want to learn someone else's language? Obviously, there are a lot of reasons, and if the question is on your mind, then you probably have a desire or need to learn a language yourself. The answer is often...

Writer’s Web Resources
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:21 AM   Source : Janet K. Ilacqua
The Internet has truly revolutionized the careers of writers worldwide. Now you can work for publishers, corporations and a whole range of other clients on a truly global scale. Whether you are in the heart of a big city, or in a remote mountain...

Writing Effectively Part 2
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:21 AM   Source : Loring A. Windblad
Copyright 2004 by and Loring Windblad. This article may be freely copied and used on other web sites only if it is copied complete with all links and text intact and unchanged except for minor improvements such as misspellings...

You Are Naming Your Baby.....What?
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:21 AM   Source : Elodia Tate
My name is E-l-o-d-i-a. I wouldn't make that up. My mother did, but I wouldn't. People often ask me if I got teased, when I was a child, because of my name. I tell them "Nope". Children didn't have a problem with my name. It's the adults that...

You can still hear screams of terror in Old Panama
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:21 AM   Source : Sydney Tremayne
PANAMA VIEJO: Old Panama. Stand in the graveled, tree-lined road, the convent and public baths to your left, the Jesuit church to your right, and listen carefully. Screams of terror. Shouts of domination. The clash of steel. Musket fire. The roar of... - Our new life in Benarraba, Andalucia, Spain
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:21 AM   Source : Geoff Forster
A 45 year old Englishman leaves comfortable life in sleepy seaside town. To renovate a village house in Andalucia Spain, taking his wife three border collies and three old black cats.Description of first six months.Hundreds of photographs of the...

The Power of the Pomegranate
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:20 AM   Source : Michael Brooks
Copyright 2005 Michael BrooksThe juice from a pomegranate offers some of the worlds most powerful antioxidants. In fact, studies show that pomegranate juice has more antioxidants than other known antioxidant drinks such as red wine, green tea,...

The REAL Thanksgiving
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:20 AM   Source : Gary R. Hess
The legend of Thanksgiving goes back more than 350 years. We have all heard the story about how the Pilgrims spent Thanksgiving with the Natives and ate fully, but is this what really happened?The Wampanoag Indians were descendants of the Iroquois...

The Roman Gladius
or, How to Steal Another Country's Sword and Claim it as Your Own

Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:20 AM   Source : Roger Sullivan
So, you've been watching the HBO Series "Rome," and want to learn a little more about the hardware they're using? Well, look no more, weary web wanderer, for here before you is the history of the Gladius. The Roman Gladius has a long and...

The Sights, Sounds, and People of Morelia, Mexico
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:20 AM   Source : David B. Wix
As the sun set on my first evening in Morelia, I found myself reflecting on the day’s events and my initial impressions of this old colonial style city that would be my home for the next several months. After arriving by air into Guadalajara, my bus...

The climate and weather of Spain
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:20 AM   Source : Jakob Jelling
Due to the important extension of land Spain comprehends and the different geographical areas it has, this country shows some different climates at some spots than at in others, although there are some general guidelines which can be applied to it...

Think Like McGyver - Unleash your own super genius!
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:20 AM   Source : Frank F. Lunn
Think Like MacGyver!Unleash Your Own Super GeniusBy Frank F. Lunn________________________________________ Sometimes it is really difficult to find the positive side of a challenge confronting us. When dealing with adversity - a career setback, the...

To Compete Or Co-Create…That Is The Question!
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:20 AM   Source : Dr. Scott Brown, Ph.D.
As a financial economist my motivation has long been to understand a simple academic koan: “why is there scarcity in an abundant world?” A koan is a question in the history and lore of Chan (Zen) Buddhism, to which the answer is inaccessible to...

Tomatoes and Cucumbers
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:20 AM   Source : News Canada
(NC)—Now is the season to enjoy Ontario grown field tomatoes and cucumbers. Although tomatoes and cucumbers are available year round, they are at their best from July to October! Locally grown tomatoes and cucumbers are picked at a greater degree...

Tools to Track Your Web Site Visitors
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:20 AM   Source : Les Goss
Site Meter and WebTrends are two well-known tools you There are many reasons why a web site owner would want to track the number of visitors to her site, and almost as many ways to do it. This article will compare two well-known tools as a...

Understanding the Taxes Imposed on Your Telecom Bills
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:20 AM   Source : Karen Thatcher
This issue contains the second part of a two-part article on regulated and non-regulated charges and taxes placed on them. Unfortunately the subject of taxes as it applies to your telecom bills is broad enough to warrant a lengthy discussion. In...

Use "The Rock Band" Strategy for Getting Consistent Publicity
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:20 AM   Source : Susan Harrow
***Permissions*** You have permission to publish this article in its entirety electronically, in print, in your ebook, or on your web site, free of charge as long as no changes to the content are made and you include my byline, copyright, and...

Using Fascism to Destroy Fascism
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:20 AM   Source : Punkerslut
It is admitted by anyone with an educated opinion that racism is harmful. It is a negative aspect of any society that it can be found in. Racist attitudes are simply an additional reason for people to hate. For some people, it is an additional...

Visit Historic Oregon Lighthouses
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:20 AM   Source : Barbara Pfieffer
Lighthouses in OregonThe rugged coast of Oregon offers visitors a chance to view and tour some of the most beautiful lighthouses in the world. In all, Oregon boasts eleven lighthouses along its shorelines. Many of these lighthouses have been...

Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:20 AM   Source : Knut R. Enebakk
Dear friend!Learn simple from now what language you want. Either you need English - German - French - Spanish - Italian - Greek - Japanese or others... You can start from now! Individuals at home.Over 5 million users in 108 countries. We have a...

Weave of the Gods: The Real-Life Golden Fleece
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:20 AM   Source : Peter Blinn
Paleontologists tell us the camel family arose in the North American Great Plains about 45 million years ago. One group took the Bering land bridge into Asia to establish the populations of Bactrian camels and dromedaries, while the other chose...

Press Release

Western Washington Couple Rule the Online “Puppet Universe”

Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:20 AM   Source : Press Release
Internet Start-ups may be considered a bust by many these days… but not where puppets are concerned. When husband and wife team, Jeff and Joanna Baird, started their home-based company,, they...

What Gets Your Ass Out Of Bed?
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:20 AM   Source : Owen Stobbe
Beep. Beep. Beep. 5:51 am. The alarm is once again bringing my warm, cozy dream filled sleep to an end. Time to get up and take a shower.Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror in the morning? I mean really looked at yourself, right in the...

What High School Students Should Do Over the Summer
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:20 AM   Source : Jackie Shapiro
There are so many options for summer activities, no wonder it can be difficult to know where to begin. While reviewing how IvyWise students have spent their summers, I noticed that their plans fell under six basic categories. I included...

What You Need To Know About – Barcelona Travel
Publish Date : 1/10/2006 6:22:20 AM   Source : Mansi Aggarwal
Welcome to the home of 1888 World’s Fair and 1992 Olympics, the capital of Catalan region-a culture branded for its unique amalgam of Spanish and French mode of cooking. Known for its affluent culture and heritage, the city of Barcelona nestled on...

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