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Timesharing Without Owning A Timeshare Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:58 PM Source : Dana Sanders If you’re dreaming of a unique vacation experience, but don’t have a budget to cover outrageous hotel expenses, or to even purchase a timeshare yourself, there are ways to take advantage of the great deals offered by timeshare owners without... Two Easy Ways To Get Cheap Home Loans Online Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:58 PM Source : Zachary Truss If you're like most people, you probably want a cheap home loan - but don't know how to reduce your payments. There are some easy ways to do this. First, find the loan company with the lowest rates online. Second, get the best loan to value on... Types of Mortgage Interest Rate Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:58 PM Source : John Mussi Here is a useful guide to the different types of Mortgage Interest Rates that are available. Mortgage Lenders offer all kinds of different deals when it comes to the interest you pay on your mortgage. Sometimes you may have a choice, sometimes you... Types of Mortgages Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:58 PM Source : John Mussi Here is a useful guide to the different types of mortgages that are available. A mortgage is a loan you take out to buy property. You can get a mortgage direct from the lender such as banks, building societies and specialist mortgage lenders. Your... How to Boost Your Chances at Having a Successful Web Site Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : Robin Nobles How to Boost Your Chances at Having a Successful Web Siteby Robin NoblesNew Web sites are springing up online by the millions. However, when they don’t reach a level of success, the Web site owners assume that they can’t make money off the... How to Finance and Build Your Dream Home Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : Dan Wood and Sherry Guard If you have always dreamed of building and living in the home you've helped design, it's time to seriously consider putting your dream into action. In today's mortgage market, a specially designed loan for just such a homeowner, the construction... How to Reduce your Debt in 5 Easy Steps Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : B Chapman If you have incurred substantial personal debt, consider these options: budgeting, debt consolidation, credit counselling from a reputable organization and working with your creditors. You will need to choose a debt reduction method that will work... How to Research and Purchase a Good Investment Property Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : Elaine VonCannon How much do you really know about investment property? Accurate research and professional expertise applied to the purchase of an investment property builds a solid foundation for financial success. You may want to work with a REALTOR who can help... How to Shop Around for the Cheapest Mortgage Rates and deals Online Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : Bwalya Mwaba How to Shop Around for the Cheapest Mortgage Rates and deals Online By Staff at Before you start shopping around for a mortgage, you need to establish exactly what you want so that you do not waste your time... How to save money by using an Independent Commercial Mortgage Broker Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : Commercial Lifeline Being a creature of habit can cost you plenty when it comes to applying for a commercial mortgage instead of going through an independent commercial mortgage broker. Let me tell you why.Most business people have an established relationship with... How to set up a professional website on your own using web templates Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : To create professional websites is not an easy task by any means. There are many things that you got to take into consideration like easy navigation, strategic links, clean coding, professional layout, easy downloading, scanability, usability and... I Can't Pay my Loan-Student Guidelines for Recovery Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : Jay Moncliff You graduated and now your student loan is due. The job hasn't come through yet, or you are just in over your head. What can you do about that student loan? Before you enter the default stage, relax and review your options. Realize that you... Inflexible friends and plastic assets, why money isn’t buying love anymore Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : Rachel Lane It would appear that even though their “friends” aren’t as flexible as they used to be, consumers are still stretching their credit cards beyond the comfort zone.The vicious circle of debt manipulation involving banks, consumers and commercial... Interest Rates Up, Up and Away? Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : Cindy S. Morus Interest rates have been at their lowest levels in over 40 years. U.S. consumers have been able to purchase previously unaffordable homes, cars and other toys. Many have used cheap home equity loans to remodel, take vacations and pay off credit... Introductory offer versus lifetime low. Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : Stephen Dayton What is an introductory offer?When you take out a mortgage or move your mortgage, your proposed lender may offer you an introductory home mortgage rate. Introductory offers are normally in the form of a reduced interest rate; the most common form is... Investing In Real Estate Investors Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : John E. Roush With the never-ending changes in our Real Estate Markets real estate professionals are starting to pay attention to the sound of new commission streams of income. Some realtors have either shied away or ran-away from such terms as "Cap Rate," &... Is Now A Good Time To Refinance Your Home Loan? Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : Mark Askew Bargain mortgage rate shoppers are on a refinancing spree. Many have secured unbelievably great deals. Others have gotten caught up in the frenzy and got the short end of the stick. How can you refinance your home without getting burned?Last week... Let Us Uncover The Mystery Of Secured Loans Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : Amanda Thompson Okay, so one day you wake up and realize that you are far away from understanding your finances, let alone managing them. Finances are a gamble where you ought to win. If you lose you lose everything - whatever you have build, you have bought, you... Make Your Fortune in a Paper Business Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : J. Stephen Pope The problem with some business ideas is their cost. To manufacture and market a product you have invented could cost you millions of dollars. The investment in machinery, buildings, inventory and other expenditurescould bankrupt you before your... Making A Credit Card Work For You Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : Max Hunter Boosting Your Credit-Rating With A Well-Managed Credit Card A considerable obstacle standing between many Americans and the consumer goods they consider a necessary or desirable part of life is a ready way to pay for them. From a new piece of... Making Cars Accessible Through Secured Car Loans Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : Andrew Baker Enervated by the hectic schedule at the work place, traveling back to home in a public transport carrier seems to be a grueling task. This reasons out the transformation of cars from luxuries to necessity.While there are cars designed for people at... Making Good Use Of Local Banks And Credit Unions For Low Loan Rate Bargains Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : Mark Askew With the average 30 year and 15 year fixed-rate mortgages jumping up to several basis points over recent days, consumers who have been holding out hoping to catch the best level of the refinance wave may wonder if they have missed the boat. Not... Many People Have Realized the Convenience and Benefits of Online Personal Loans Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : Beth Pardue The Internet has provided a whole new dimension to obtaining a personal loan. Before lending companies were available on the World Wide Web, people were limited with their loan options and from where they could get a loan. Now there are endless... Market Price vs Sales Price when Selling or Buying a Home Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : Chris Cates Market/Sales price Whether you are planning to buy or sell a property it is important to become familiar with the terminology of real estate. In real estate the three terms that are commonly used interchangeably are value, cost, and price. Although,... Moneynet tackles funding university with new student finance guide Publish Date : 1/11/2006 5:35:57 PM Source : Rachel Lane Consumer research site, moneynet, has published its seventh online brochure in the series of personal finance product guides. The student finance guide, collated by two graduates at moneynet, was generated in response to requests moneynet received... Total Results : 151 More Pages : 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 Previous Next Page |