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Angler of the Week Sponsor Information

Fintalk Fishing Advertising

Angler of the Week Ad Package

  Sponsoring the Angler of the Week gives you,  the advertiser,  a very unique and original way to grab the attention of possible customers. We will have only 1 sponsor at a time for the Angler of the Week thus letting your ad stand out all alone for the customer to see!

   Angler of the Week Sponsors will receive:

  • A choice of a LARGE 528 x 90 pixel custom ad above the current Angler of the Week OR a LARGE 528 x 90 pixel custom ad underneath the current Angler of the Week.
  • Also 1 smaller sized ad of 150 x 75 pixel on a secondary page.
  • A Named link to your site on the Fintalk Homepage underneath the current Angler of the Week photo.   E.G. - "Angler of the Week" sponsored by (Your company name)
  • A Gold listing in the Fintalk Featured Business Directory.  See the Directory
Angler of the Week Example

  Welcome to Fintalk's Angler of the Week!

    This weeks angler is brought to you by (YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE)

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"Angler of the Week"
Angler Photo Here
Angler Photo Here
Angler Information Here

This Weeks Angler

  • Angler Name Here
  • Angler profile here



 This area for Angler
and Fishing information.

 This is an example only! Please see the actual "Angler of the Week" page to see the finished product. 
Your Ad Here Option #2 makes no warranty either stated or implied that "Angler of the Week" means that the "Angler of the Week" will be rotated and or exchanged every week or every seven (7) days.  "Angler of the Week" is expressed as title only and although we will make every effort possible to change or update the "Angler" at the end of every week or the end of seven (7) days we can not be held responsible for delays beyond our control such as lack of "Angler of the Week" submissions,  fishing weather delays,  or other.
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