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The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/all/20060926173640/http://books.kelkoo.co.uk/b/a/cpc_5101_vtl_author_c19245527.html
Floss loves spending weekends with her dad in his greasy spoon cafe, even
if it isn't the smartest place in town and only has three regular customers....
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Designed to fit the National Curriculum, this is part of the "Longman Book
Project". The project aims to enable teachers throughout the primary school...
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Treasure lives with her grandmother in a housing p roject and India is the daughter of a famous designer--but they both keep diaries, and when chance brings...
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This omnibus edition gives two of the best from the author's work. In "The Suitcase Kid" Andy is always moving from A to B; one week with Mum, one week...
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Mary can't see properly, but she's fed up with not being allowed to go
anywhere by herself. She sets off alone, but she stumbles into a nightmare when...
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Each book in this series combines an original play and a set of individual "Production Notes". The playscripts may be photocopied and distributed for classroom...
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This omnibus edition gives two of the best from the author's work. In "The
Suitcase Kid" Andy is always moving from A to B; one week with Mum, one week...
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Two books in one: In "Cliffhanger" Tim's dreading his action-packed adventure holiday. Luckily, his new friend Biscuits isn't interested in the activities...
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Containing both "The Story of Tracy Beaker" and "The Dare Game", this is the complete story of Tracy Beaker. In the first book she's living in a children's...
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Written for the beginning reader, this book contains uses clear type, simple vocabulary and bright pictures and is specially designed for the early stages...
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Written for the beginning reader, this book contains uses clear type,
simple vocabulary and bright pictures and is specially designed for the early
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Treasure lives with her grandmother in a housing project and India is the
daughter of a famous designer--but they both keep diaries, and when chance
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Rosie has a young sister, Angela, who is crazy about a comic television
personality called Jimmy Jelly, which drives Rosie and her mum nuts. When the...
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Ellie, Magda and Nadine have got all sorts of trouble. A kiss at a party
threatens to break Ellie and Magda's friendship. But they both know that
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