Attention RuralNet Customers!!!!
Starting Tuesday, September 12th, we will be changing our T-1 circuit (the link outside of Ritchie County) to another provider. During the initial transition on Tuesday, customers may experience multiple, but brief, interruptions while we test the new circuit while bringing it online. Our main priority Tuesday is to get the new circuit up and running smoothly. Dial up customers should be converted to the new circuit automatically without any changes to their computers.
From Wednesday, September 13th - Friday, September 15th, we will focus our attention to converting the wireless equipment and wireless customers over to the new circuit. Once we convert the wireless equipment, wireless customers will need to get a new ip address assigned to them in order to surf on the new circuit. To obtain a new ip address, you can call our office at 643-4174 or we will be calling you individually to assist you in changing your ip numbers in your home computers. We do have a step-by-step instruction sheet that can be emailed to those customers who want to change their numbers themselves, instead of waiting for our phone call. *For wireless customers who have a router and EC, Doug will need to come to your homes/businesses and assign the new ip numbers to your routers.
During this transition, we will be doing our best to accomplish everything in a smooth and timely fashion to try and limit the amount of interruptions. We would like to thank our customers for their patience and cooperation during this transition.
RuralNet Staff